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that's hot 

[quote]引用第20楼kamikazez于2010-05-15 17:38发表的  : u still got a chance, but just cant help pulling out  [s:204][/quote] trust me I am a goner~ [s:203]
[quote]引用第11楼fairladyz于2010-05-11 19:32发表的  : setillios OP has a thing for boots.[/quote] I forgot to say, the sexiest word in the english language is [b]STILETTOS!![/b]
[quote]引用第21楼fairladyz于2010-05-15 18:39发表的  : Worry not, you are one of the few young ladies that I [i]actually[/i] pay serious respect to.  Yes you looked casual the other day at work, but man, as I was walking out, I was like--------holy shit, so R gets to order [i]all[/i] of these people around, many of whom are twice as her age. .......[/quote] na~ I am far from where I want to be,  in-fact for the shake of wanting to have a life (that plan is still somewhat in progress)  i'm making myself step back and take it easy on the career development. that' also why i landed this job, it's my "easy way up" I could push myself to go a lot further and faster,  but right now I haven't got that drive for some reason.  If it wasn't for DeeDee I wouldn't even consider buying a house right now,  I envy people like yourself who have that natural drive built with in. that natural drive I have it too, but I also don't.....(don't know if that make any sense to you) I need a "goal", something BIG I want, other wise I just can't get my ass to work....[s:204]
[quote]引用第23楼bunnyface于2010-05-16 00:48发表的 : I forgot to say, the sexiest word in the english language is [b]STILETTOS!![/b][/quote] I will have to second that.  Seemingly you are not the only one with a thing for shoes, LOL.
[quote]引用第24楼bunnyface于2010-05-16 00:58发表的  : na~ I am far from where I want to be,  in-fact for the shake of wanting to have a life (that plan is still somewhat in progress)  i'm making myself step back and take it easy on the career development. .......[/quote] I do what I must to get what I want. And you know what me want. Letter M combined with the Number 3?  LOL.  Hint hint.
[quote]引用第26楼fairladyz于2010-05-16 01:33发表的  : I do what I must to get what I want. .......[/quote] hhhmmmmm...... that's a tough one, I think I 'll have to sleep on it and come up with an answer tomorrow, lol.
[quote]引用第25楼fairladyz于2010-05-16 01:32发表的  : I will have to second that.  Seemingly you are not the only one with a thing for shoes, LOL.[/quote] talk is cheap Z, let's see u putting on a pair of 4inch BCBG heels~[s:196]
[quote]引用第27楼bunnyface于2010-05-16 01:39发表的 : hhhmmmmm...... that's a tough one, I think I 'll have to sleep on it and come up with an answer tomorrow, lol.[/quote] LOL, it's very likely that you'd spend a few quality hours in your upcoming pearl white beauty during your first night together.
[quote]引用第28楼bunnyface于2010-05-16 01:40发表的 : talk is cheap Z, let's see u putting on a pair of 4inch BCBG heels~[s:196] [/quote] I'd much rather [i]watch you[/i] putting on a pair of 4" BCBG heels. The fact that we are drifting into shoes in an automotive section clearly indicates that both of us are helpless in our fetish for heels.
[quote]引用第30楼fairladyz于2010-05-16 01:47发表的  : I'd much rather [i]watch you[/i] putting on a pair of 4" BCBG heels. .......[/quote] yea, and for you the perfect topic would be: in the auto blog talking about MILF in stilettos riding an white M3
[quote]引用第31楼bunnyface于2010-05-16 20:11发表的 : MILF in stilettos riding an white M3[/quote] [size=7]B R I L L I A N T ![/size]
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