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价钱差好几万吧?今天看到一辆白色gtr,一个个子蛮高的女生开的,偷瞄了一眼,车还很新,保险是到明年3月,那就是才买的新车吧。看起来有点方,男生开可能更好点 很好奇,gtr和m3飚起来,谁比较厉害?当然,排除驾驶的技术含量
GTR ~~~~~
2个完全不能比吧。。。GTR will smoke M3...or any other M...
唉,m3比不上gtr了,真惨 开那辆白色的那个华人女生,看起来丰满型的,开起来也算很有型
.... 直线秒杀
gtr [s:204]  [s:198]
[quote]引用第6楼心魔于2010-04-05 01:56发表的  : 唉,m3比不上gtr了,真惨 开那辆白色的那个华人女生,看起来丰满型的,开起来也算很有型[/quote] 无论何时M3都比不过GTR
The girl you saw is also active on this forum.  She had to debate about which car to get, but I guess in the end GT-R was the choice.  A very good one, might I add.
[quote]引用第9楼chazor于2010-04-05 02:43发表的  : [/quote] 差这么远,nissan的车也能这么好啊?
[quote]引用第11楼fairladyz于2010-04-05 07:41发表的  : The girl you saw is also active on this forum.  She had to debate about which car to get, but I guess in the end GT-R was the choice.  A very good one, might I add.[/quote] 你认识?这么巧。她开在我前面,我一直以为是个男生开的,开得很猛啊,要不是老是有红灯,我都被甩开了。后来正好去同一个停车场,她下车,我才看到是女生。她开这么猛,一脚油门就是一块钱吧?呵呵
[quote]引用第13楼心魔于2010-04-05 09:46发表的 : 你认识?这么巧。她开在我前面,我一直以为是个男生开的,开得很猛啊,要不是老是有红灯,我都被甩开了。后来正好去同一个停车场,她下车,我才看到是女生。她开这么猛,一脚油门就是一块钱吧?呵呵[/quote] LOL, she's probably having a good time with her new ride. But then again, if I had a GT-R, I would be very tempted to go fast, too.
[quote]引用第14楼fairladyz于2010-04-05 09:58发表的  : LOL, she's probably having a good time with her new ride. .......[/quote] 小心驾驶啊,slow down。这还是我第一次看到gtr,我不太喜欢那个样子,方正的,又不如兰博基尼好看。不过还真得挺震惊的,nissan也能设计出这样的车性能
[quote]引用第15楼心魔于2010-04-05 10:03发表的 : 小心驾驶啊,slow down。这还是我第一次看到gtr,我不太喜欢那个样子,方正的,又不如兰博基尼好看。不过还真得挺震惊的,nissan也能设计出这样的车性能[/quote] Nissan has indeed rocked the world with this car. 前天下暴雨,我从高速上下来360转弯的时候,后轮滑了一下。GT-R's AWD should help, a bit.
[quote]引用第16楼fairladyz于2010-04-05 10:58发表的  : Nissan has indeed rocked the world with this car. .......[/quote] 不太懂车。gtr是手动的吗?
[quote]引用第17楼心魔于2010-04-05 11:25发表的  : 不太懂车。gtr是手动的吗?[/quote] 不是.... 如果我没记错的话是 6speed semi-automatic dual clutch transmission 至于上档速度 据说比手动挡还快 我不是特别确定
[quote]引用第18楼魅力蓝于2010-04-05 11:31发表的 : 不是.... 如果我没记错的话是 .......[/quote] I believe that is correct.  One of the fastest-shifting dual clutch available on the current market.
[quote]引用第13楼心魔于2010-04-05 09:46发表的 : 她开在我前面,我一直以为是个男生开的[/quote] 你一开口就是个M3 / GT-R,我也以为你是个男生。 Pardon me for getting my facts wrong, LOL.
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