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wiring tucking at its finest 

wiring tucking at its finest

[img]http://www.stanceworks.com/canibeat/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/02.jpg[/img] 线呢? [s:201]
要是我也能这么干净就好了...so mess of engine bay in VQ
behind firewall nice eg
嗯 挡火墙后面走刹车真空助力跟液压 叶子板当中间夹电路 heater core, coolant hose return, condenser, evap delete 还应该把passage holes全补上那样看上去更clean
恩,shaved engine bay会更漂亮 i miss my eg 240 sucks
[quote]引用第4楼tortoise1810于2010-03-03 21:19发表的  : 恩,shaved engine bay会更漂亮 i miss my eg 240 sucks[/quote] o.O[s:236]
[quote]引用第5楼套筒扳手于2010-03-03 21:22发表的  : o.O[s:236][/quote] 笑什么 等甩尾练熟练了看你们羡慕的眼神
waaaaaaaaaa........... nice....
felt like wanting to lick it
shaved engine bay used to be the hod rod thing. it makes perfect sense with carburetion. now and then, years late, u see the import guys (particularly vdub, honduh) trying to assimilate that look. playing off old tricks from the hod rod books. im hooked on domestics now. feels right.
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