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纸包不住火 A&J Racing 阴沟里翻船 

纸包不住火 A&J Racing 阴沟里翻船

[quote][color=#000000][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3]Dear Ben Leung First of all, it is almost 9 years since we, J’s Racing, started a business relationship with your company in 2002. We fully acknowledge that your sales & marketing have made the current J’s Racing popular status in the North America and we deeply thank you for that. Unfortunately we have to present you a rather unpleasant notice today. We recently learned that in spite of your status of an official distributor of J’s Racing, you have been copying J’s Racing products in a factory abroad and selling the products as the genuine J’s Racing merchandise. In order to verify the information and to get the clear evidence we actually purchased a product from you for an inspection. Regrettably we found that you not only copied the product but also copied our packing tape and box to make the product look exactly like a genuine J’s Racing product. Now that we have a proof and we consider your conduct as a criminal offense, we no longer can maintain the current business relationship with you. We have already consulted an attorney in the British Columbia and we are ready to take strong legal actions if necessary. We strongly feel that an official distributor should be the one policing the copied or knockoff products. It is outrageous that an official distributor itself sells a copied product as a genuine one. This is an inexcusable conduct even from the social point of view and we will not forgive this kind of crime. Regarding this matter, we are considering the number of actions. We will give you one chance of providing us a sincere response and coming up with an offer for a monetary Our actions include but are not limited to 1) Termination of the distributor status 2) A legal action to demand accounting information on the quantity of the copied products produced and to demand a definite proof for destroying the copied products. 3) Bringing a criminal charges against A&J Racing 4) Disclosure of the issue on our website using your company’s name 5) Disclosure of the issue on the several forums in the world using your company’s name To name several forums, [url]http://www.s2ki.com/[/url] [url]http://www.8thcivic.com/[/url] [url]http://www.nagtroc.org/forums/[/url] [url]http://www.honda-tech.com/[/url] [url]http://hondamarketplace.com/[/url] [url]http://www.fitfreak.net/forums/[/url] [url]http://www.team-integra.net/[/url] [url]http://www.definitivedriving.com/[/url] [url]http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/[/url] 6) Notification of the issue to all the manufacturers J’s Racing has business relationship with 7) Notification of the issue to all the companies J’s Racing has traded with 8) Notification of the issue to all the magazine publishing companies A&J Racing has relationship with 9) Notification of the issue to your father, Anthony Those actions will inflict serious damages to your company. In the business world, the trust is the most important. It is very regrettable you have lost our trust. We will be waiting for your sincere response and a specific compensation offer. The deadline is April 22, 2010. Sincerely J’S RACING Junichi Umemoto J’S RACING Hisaaki Murakami[/size][/font][/color][/quote] 转载于 J's 老板Junichi-san的私人博客 [url=http://ameblo.jp/umemotojunichi/]http://ameblo.jp/umemotojunichi/[/url]
9) Notification of the issue to your father, Anthony [s:265][s:264][s:265][s:262] 找老爷子告状
good found.. [s:200]
小日本写的英文还算过的去, 但还是不够专业, 还不够入肉三分
[attachment=303339] 唉……
[s:200]  [s:200]  [s:200]
哎..... [s:204]
當人總代理還玩這套   同時欺騙消費者和廠商  假貨當真貨賣  太可惡了 被抓活該    告死它
希望楼主继续追踪报道 [s:200]  [s:200]  [s:202]  [s:202]
[s:179]  [s:179]  [s:179]
去AJ 前台的抽屜裡翻翻, 會看到有整疊的"保安基準適合, 日本製" 的貼紙.... [s:204] Coilover 是台灣的, 煞車是泰國的...還有什麼有的沒有的是韓國的.... 我這樣算是落井下石嗎?  [s:194]
sigh.... no mean to be rude but... and i quote... rich hongers rip off other rich hongers.. JS Racing 真的很贵。。 lol..现在看到为什么他可以买得起 R35 了。。。!! 还改那么凶  >< btw as i've read on revscene.. its seems to have spawn from... [url]http://www.fitfreak.net/forums/fit-exhaust-systems/44601-post-up-your-fake-js-racing-50r-2.html[/url] 看上去还是 the power of forums brought this down, but i know Ben personally, to be honest.. he is real nice.. and hate "fake"  shit.. so this is pretty big news...
deadline 是 2009 吧 你們去link裡面看就知道了  (2010-01-09 18:04:06 ) A&J 也沒發生什麼事阿???
[quote]引用第14楼cba-r35于2010-01-14 04:00发表的  : 去AJ 前台的抽屜裡翻翻, 會看到有整疊的"保安基準適合, 日本製" 的貼紙.... [s:204] Coilover 是台灣的, 煞車是泰國的...還有什麼有的沒有的是韓國的.... 我這樣算是落井下石嗎?  [s:194][/quote] 32兄 终于把您给请出来了 哈哈
[s:204]  [s:204]  [s:204]
[quote]引用第16楼套筒扳手于2010-01-14 13:52发表的  : 32兄 终于把您给请出来了 哈哈[/quote] 無聊出來多嘴了兩句, 沒什麼, 只要別有人到Revscene 上發帖陷害我, 我就很開心了. 其實也不算陷害, 每次有人在RS 發有關Vansky, Fob, mainlander 之類的帖, 就會有人自動認定是我發的. it's sad and funny at the same time. good thing is I don't give a flying fuck no more since I am not gonna be in Canada for a very long time.
32 還沒走啊??? 看完了 fitfreak 那裡的文章  我整個無言了       現在的年輕人是怎麼樣??  被人賣了還要幫數鈔票??    老闆態度好 賣假貨就可以被原諒?   反正你買的是打折價  所以買到假貨不應該有怨言??? 反正排汽裝在車底 誰也看不到 是假的也沒差???      這是很明顯的詐欺行為   要是誰把山寨貨 當成一套快 $20000 的Techart 真貨 bodykit  半價 賣我  我肯定找其他苦主一起去砸店.....................
[quote]引用第18楼cba-r35于2010-01-16 03:07发表的  : 無聊出來多嘴了兩句, 沒什麼, 只要別有人到Revscene 上發帖陷害我, 我就很開心了. 其實也不算陷害, 每次有人在RS 發有關Vansky, Fob, mainlander 之類的帖, 就會有人自動認定是我發的. .......[/quote] 那些帖是我发的与32无关
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