* 加拿大政客為什麼百般袒護外國購屋者 - [352] () (0)  (0)
     a 因为可以养活加拿大三千万人 - [174] () (0)  (0)

政治捐款的程序漏洞loop hole left in political donations

- [188] () (0)  (0)

政治捐款是有漏洞的而非民主本身的问题。捐款应通过机构的agent,可以声明捐给NDP或Liberal,仅此而已。机构将钱转给政党但不得暴露施主名字和数额。The problem is the loop hole of the process of political donations but not the democracy itself. The donations should have gone through an agency but not directly to the parties. The donors have rights to declare to whom they donate but that's all. Then the agency pass the doantions to the designated party without disclosure any of the donors information. 为何投票是无记名而捐款可以面对面知道是谁?这不是一般的不公平!这类问题是比民生更急需解决的问题. Fix it!!! 直接捐款为非法

          b passes - [195] () (0)  (0)
          b Close the gap! Hold the lineOne of a defence line - [183] () (0)  (0)
     a 崇高理想却是要靠杀人实现 - [180] () (0)  (0)
     a 很多外国人炒短期屋,一两年赚百万走人。 - [133] () (0)  (0)