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[quote]引用第253楼nobody8768于2010-05-08 00:34发表的  : 到时会在8点半到9点的时候到[/quote] Sounds good man, many of us should still be there.
[quote]引用第252楼fairladyz于2010-05-07 16:15发表的  : LOL, good thing your car is dark, can't tell the difference man.[/quote] i will be drving the white car tonight... you know what i mean! :p
[quote]引用第255楼youyudelan于2010-05-08 08:57发表的 : i will be drving the white car tonight... you know what i mean! :p[/quote] LOL, of course [s:200]
白車照相比較特別! 你說是不是?
Hopefully everyone got home safe - 我是被警察跟回来的,LOL,前面不挂车牌就是有这种特殊待遇啊。 今天有不少人没来,但也来了不少surprise guest.  CLS和SL, 一黑一白, AMG torque FTW!
hope those photos post up soon..
安全到家, 听说lz 有警察护送回家的~ [s:200]
[quote]引用第258楼fairladyz于2010-05-08 21:59发表的  : Hopefully everyone got home safe - 我是被警察跟回来的,LOL,前面不挂车牌就是有这种特殊待遇啊。 今天有不少人没来,但也来了不少surprise guest.  CLS和SL, 一黑一白, AMG torque FTW![/quote] 如果旁边有可疑MM或MILF,一般警察都会跟的。
[quote]引用第261楼yes于2010-05-08 23:36发表的  : 如果旁边有可疑MM或MILF,一般警察都会跟的。[/quote] 他刚把一个mm放在skytrain 后发生的。。。。所以当时他是一个人。
你送一个“朋友”回 “红灯区” 。。。。。。能不被跟么。。。
[quote]引用第264楼bunnyface于2010-05-08 23:54发表的  : 你送一个“朋友”回 “红灯区” 。。。。。。能不被跟么。。。[/quote] 警察很喜欢干这种事,一脸的坏笑。
做警察的闲着也是闲着 不在你们身上找点乐趣日子怎么过呢~~哈哈
我去偷看了你们几眼 [s:201]
[quote]引用第262楼bunnyface于2010-05-08 23:43发表的 : 他刚把一个mm放在skytrain 后发生的。。。。所以当时他是一个人。[/quote] I was left turning onto Kingsway @ 10th, and there just happened to be a Crown Vic at the corner, who then flashed me. Good thing it was a female cop.  I told her I just came back from a photoshoot, and didn't want to have the plate on for aesthetic reasons, and she [i]actually[/i] understood, LOL
[quote]引用第269楼fairladyz于2010-05-09 07:14发表的  : I was left turning onto Kingsway @ 10th, and there just happened to be a Crown Vic at the corner, who then flashed me. .......[/quote] NICE!!!  see woman understand these things, aesthetics is everything!!
不好意思啊, 我昨天先走了, 实在是太冷了太冷了太冷了  [ [s:220]
我昨天離開的後還有輛警車亮著燈往我的Meet Up的地方衝去! 還好不是去找你們的!!!
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