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关于狗狗的raw diet(另外一种raw feeding的喂法体验当中) 

After seriously reading this Raw feeding thing..I'd really like to try it.. So, today after I'd purchased my ever first puppy " Mini schnauzer " . I had feed him one piece of Chicken drumstick, but after a couple of bites, then he had stopped eating...( His only  2 months old ) That's his first meal of today, how do I improve him to eat more, ground  it or etc???? Or is his too young for Raw feeding... Please help...thousand thxx!!!!
[quote]引用第359楼blackwings于2009-09-28 20:20发表的  : After seriously reading this Raw feeding thing..I'd really like to try it.. So, today after I'd purchased my ever first puppy " Mini schnauzer " . I had feed him one piece of Chicken drumstick, but after a couple of bites, then he had stopped eating...( His only  2 months old ) That's his first meal of today, how do I improve him to eat more, ground  it or etc???? Or is his too young for Raw feeding... Please help...thousand thxx!!!![/quote] a chicken drumstick's bone might be too hard for a 2 mth puppy. i would feed him chicken wingettes or bone in chicken breast since chicken breast bones are softer than drumstick. you may also consider to crack the bones in drumsticks a little bit then its gonna be much easier for him to chew. so try chicken breast bones with some chicken meat or chicken wings keep me posted on this
我的狗狗开始raw feeding快一个礼拜了,,他很喜欢,好想长胖了一些(他本来身上都是骨头)变化还没有看到,,但是他突然会坐在那边等我说可以吃了才吃鸡腿。。。
Hi there, Thanks for u kindly reply. Last night, I'd had feed my " mini schnauzer"  with 2 pieces of softer chicken meats. But he had only finished eating one piece of the meat , not any bone yet. It'd  took him nearly 30min to be finished. While eating, his like making those " whining or crying sounds" . This morning around 7am, he had vomited a little bit, then he had ate it back. Sigh! How many meals should I feed him daily?? When can I introduce another meat for him?? Are there any good & useful tips or hints to crate train and potty train my 2 months old dog ???? Thousands Thx!!!!
Forgot to ask: Is by law, that I have to take my dog for " Rabies Vaccination "? thxxxx
认真的看了一遍帖子 和 大家的回复 我也准备开始raw feeding 我家的狗狗了 总结了一些问题 先来问问 1: 我家狗狗是比熊和maltese混的 现在的体重大概是12磅多 (个人觉得他有点瘦) 这样怎么来计算他每天吃饭的量比较合适? 体重我不太确定是因为我家的称 每次我让狗狗在上面sit 出来的数字都有些差别  [s:205]  我家狗狗已经快2岁了 还算puppy吗? 每次出去老外问多大了 我说2years ago, 他们都说 still a puppy. puppy到底是到多大的时候啊? 2 喂狗粮 我看前面大家回帖说一天拉3次? 可是我从小给我家狗狗喂狗粮 每天带他出去转一次 他也只是拉一次 偶尔2次? 如果我家拉的次数少 是不是运动量不够的原因? 我每次大概可以让他跑个15-20分钟 3不同种类的raw feeding, 度过2个星期和鸡肉的转换期以后 是不是每天都要给他不同的种类的肉 要每一餐和上一餐吃的不一样? 然后每一餐里加一些内脏 4 raw feeding 以后对狗狗牙齿好 那还用给狗狗刷牙吗? 5关于蔬菜 水果 我长长给我家狗狗吃苹果 偶尔桔子这样水果 但是不是主食 是不是不正确? 6 我在第一页没有看见关于喂 鸡蛋的问题 后来提到了 这个主要是为了什么而喂的? 暂时就这么多问题啦 谢谢斑竹 [s:201]
[quote]引用第362楼blackwings于2009-09-29 15:00发表的  : Hi there, Thanks for u kindly reply. Last night, I'd had feed my " mini schnauzer"  with 2 pieces of softer chicken meats. But he had only finished eating one piece of the meat , not any bone yet. It'd  took him nearly 30min to be finished. While eating, his like making those " whining or crying sounds" . This morning around 7am, he had vomited a little bit, then he had ate it back. Sigh! .......[/quote] you need to feed him at least 3 times per day, the amount that you feed him depends on his adult ideal weight normally we do 2-3% of a dog's adult ideal weight. if u dont know his ideal weight, then do 10% of current weight when the 10% of current weight exceeds 2-3% of his adult weight, then do 2-3% of ideal weight instead. u should feed him 80% meat, 15-20% bones, 5-10% organs. HTH
[quote]引用第363楼blackwings于2009-09-29 16:49发表的  : Forgot to ask: Is by law, that I have to take my dog for " Rabies Vaccination "? thxxxx[/quote] canada is different from the states, rabies vaccine is not bylaw u dont have to give your dog rabies shot
[color=#FF0000][/color]认真的看了一遍帖子 和 大家的回复 我也准备开始raw feeding 我家的狗狗了 总结了一些问题 先来问问 1: 我家狗狗是比熊和maltese混的 现在的体重大概是12磅多 (个人觉得他有点瘦) 这样怎么来计算他每天吃饭的量比较合适? 体重我不太确定是因为我家的称 每次我让狗狗在上面sit 出来的数字都有些差别    我家狗狗已经快2岁了 还算puppy吗? 每次出去老外问多大了 我说2years ago, 他们都说 still a puppy. puppy到底是到多大的时候啊? [color=#FF0000]你称他的时候,不一定要让狗狗站在上面,你可以抱着他称,然后减掉你自己的体重那就是他的体重了。如果你觉得 他比较瘦的话,你可以试一下从12磅的3%来计算一下,吃1,2个星期以后称一下,看看体重有没有变化,如果还是很容易就可以摸到 ribs的话,那就按照14磅的3%来给,我所说的都是一天的分量。比如说用12磅的3%来计算的话,那就是0。36lbs每天的东西,也就是 164克左右的东西一天。 2岁的狗狗已经是成年狗狗了,每天可以2餐就成了。[/color] 2 喂狗粮 我看前面大家回帖说一天拉3次? 可是我从小给我家狗狗喂狗粮 每天带他出去转一次 他也只是拉一次 偶尔2次? 如果我家拉的次数少 是不是运动量不够的原因? 我每次大概可以让他跑个15-20分钟 [color=#FF0000]和运动会有一些关系的,他每天一次的话,便便的数量有多少?会不会很多?[/color] 3不同种类的raw feeding, 度过2个星期和鸡肉的转换期以后 是不是每天都要给他不同的种类的肉 要每一餐和上一餐吃的不一样? 然后每一餐里加一些内脏 [color=#FF0000]不需要每天都给不同的肉,每次也可以给不同的肉,只要你保证狗狗长时间下来不只是吃一种肉就可以了。你可以在开始了一个月之后开始 加一些内脏的东西[/color] 4 raw feeding 以后对狗狗牙齿好 那还用给狗狗刷牙吗? [color=#FF0000]不需要,只要你每餐都有给骨头的话,狗狗的牙齿会慢慢变得很好[/color] 5关于蔬菜 水果 我长长给我家狗狗吃苹果 偶尔桔子这样水果 但是不是主食 是不是不正确? [color=#FF0000]只要不是作为diet的一部分的话,就没有问题,作为treat的话,你不需要他去吸收里面的营养,所以不用担心[/color] 6 我在第一页没有看见关于喂 鸡蛋的问题 后来提到了 这个主要是为了什么而喂的? [color=#FF0000]鸡蛋对狗狗的毛发比较好而且含有很高营养的蛋白质,如果给的话,是连着鸡蛋壳一起给的,给鸡蛋的话,不要只给 蛋白,蛋白里面含有卵白素可以破坏狗狗身体里面的维生素B,只要你连着蛋黄一起喂的话,就没有问题,因为蛋黄里面有足够的维生素 B可以balance回来的。除了鸡蛋的话,还可以给一些green tripes,green tripes里面含有大量的消化酶和氨基酸,对于狗狗都是很好的 东西。green tripes不是普通超市买的那种已经bleach过的,而是完全raw的[/color] 暂时就这么多问题啦 谢谢斑竹 [color=#FF0000]有问题继续来问了,希望可以帮到你 ^^[/color]
Really really appreciate for " 论坛版主 "s helpful info......... Thank you........ [s:198]
Sorry to ask this again, just wants to confirm and make sure, How come my dog breeder told me that " it's by law  that ur dog needs its Rabies shot.... But u say 'Not by law" ..Well is there any government website about dog's must have shots??? Will it be OK to take my dog out without its rabies shot and will vet ask for my dog's up date shots before it can be neuter?? Thxxxx!..........>< >< >< ><
[quote]引用第369楼blackwings于2009-09-29 21:17发表的  : Sorry to ask this again, just wants to confirm and make sure, How come my dog breeder told me that " it's by law  that ur dog needs its Rabies shot.... But u say 'Not by law" ..Well is there any government website about dog's must have shots??? Will it be OK to take my dog out without its rabies shot and will vet ask for my dog's up date shots before it can be neuter?? Thxxxx!..........>< >< >< ><[/quote] where was your breeder from? if your breeder is in the states, then most of the states in US request rabies shot. if rabies vaccine is bylaw in bc or canada, when u get a dog license from cityhall or animal shelter, they will ask to see the vaccine paper. rabies vaccine is not federally required in canada. i will see if i can get the info for u. u definitely can take your dog out without the rabies shot, some vets may ask for the updated vaccine record before you get your dog neutered. why will u neuter your dog? dogs do need their sexual organ, it's mother nature. do some research on neuter/spay before u get it done on ur dog. if u dont neuter your dog, it doesnt mean that you r not a responsible dog owner. p.s for the raw feeding part, for your 2 mths old schnauzer, u can cut the chicken meat into small cubes or strips, then buy some chicken necks, crack the bones and mix the chicken meat cube with chicken neck bones for him. since chicken neck bones are much softer, he should be able to handle it. dont only feed him meat, he needs calcium which is from bones HTH
[quote]引用第361楼buttercup于2009-09-29 03:39发表的  : 我的狗狗开始raw feeding快一个礼拜了,,他很喜欢,好想长胖了一些(他本来身上都是骨头)变化还没有看到,,但是他突然会坐在那边等我说可以吃了才吃鸡腿。。。[/quote] 变化慢慢你就会看出来更多了,尤其是和同龄的狗狗比,起码牙齿就要好很多,ENERGY很好 便便少,喝水减少
O..ic...thx so much... nope, I'd bought my dog from a local owner, they had home raised their puppies. I wanted to neuter my dog because I'd had hear ppl said " they will become more calmer, friendly & etc. Today, I have a more concerned problem with my puppy, I'd believed that he had become more " AGGRESSIVE" during these raw feeding days. Because every time, I'd let him out of his crate, while we were playing, he had always bitten  my hands and toes, and that's " very painful "...seriously... Is it because his still hungry or sth else????? I'm kindna afraid to let him out... [s:198] ....  How do prevent him to bite [s:199] .... Looking forward for your help..... [s:205] ....THANKS!!!!!
[quote]引用第372楼blackwings于2009-09-30 21:14发表的  : O..ic...thx so much... nope, I'd bought my dog from a local owner, they had home raised their puppies. I wanted to neuter my dog because I'd had hear ppl said " they will become more calmer, friendly & etc. Today, I have a more concerned problem with my puppy, I'd believed that he had become more " AGGRESSIVE" during these raw feeding days. Because every time, I'd let him out of his crate, while we were playing, he had always bitten  my hands and toes, and that's " very painful "...seriously... .......[/quote] u are first time dog owner? that's normal puppy behavior, its not aggression at all. dogs do use their mouth to play, as owner/handler, we need to teach our dog esp pups how to handle the strength on their bite. if u dont know how to do it, get a trainer, they will tell u how to do it step by step HTH
Yeah..I'm first time of dog owner... [s:201] Thanks again for ur helpful info..... If I can't handle the puppy, then I'll consider to find a trainer.........Thxxxxxxx!
[quote]引用第374楼blackwings于2009-10-01 22:36发表的  : Yeah..I'm first time of dog owner... [s:201] Thanks again for ur helpful info..... If I can't handle the puppy, then I'll consider to find a trainer.........Thxxxxxxx![/quote] No pro enjoy the puppy life ^^
好像狗狗只要吃了raw meat好像会变的很agressive, 而且其他的东西就不吃了呢?
[quote]引用第376楼ono于2009-11-08 21:46发表的  : 好像狗狗只要吃了raw meat好像会变的很agressive, 而且其他的东西就不吃了呢?[/quote] 完全不会。。。。。
[quote]引用第376楼ono于2009-11-08 21:46发表的  : 好像狗狗只要吃了raw meat好像会变的很agressive, 而且其他的东西就不吃了呢?[/quote] 这个是完全不正确的观点。 有一些狗狗是会出现resource guarding的问题,出现aggressive behavior, 出现这个的原因不是因为吃了raw food,而是raw meaty bones毕竟比他们 之前吃得狗粮来的有价值的多,他们的这些行为是完全正常的,他们只不过是 be the dogs而已。
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