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回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子

oh... didn't know that you are sick. take care. :)

Re:回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子

[quote]引用第426楼acvan于2011-09-21 22:45发表的 回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子 : oh... didn't know that you are sick. take care. :)  [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7645195][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Thanks. Just don't know it last for so long, may be because of the jet-lag. Sorry, can't go for karaoke this week, will try to organize again next week.

Re:Re:回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子

[quote]引用第427楼蓝静于2011-09-22 21:32发表的 Re:回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子 : Thanks. Just don't know it last for so long, may be because of the jet-lag. Sorry, can't go for karaoke this week, will try to organize again next week. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7649161][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 无伤干,保重身子啊。。。反正- -我最近要考试- -忙温书

Re:Re:Re:回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子

[quote]引用第428楼keitayu于2011-09-22 22:47发表的 Re:Re:回 422楼(蓝静) 的帖子 : 无伤干,保重身子啊。。。反正- -我最近要考试- -忙温书   [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7649529][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 下星期吧。
[s:200] 每个星期都唱啊
[quote]引用第430楼十三于2011-09-24 01:59发表的  : [s:200] 每个星期都唱啊 [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7656541][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 哈哈,比不上你们, 你们有人每天唱勒。

回 431楼(蓝静) 的帖子

明天几点啊? 是BBY MIX2吗?

Re:Re:回 415楼(蓝静) 的帖子

[quote]引用第422楼蓝静于2011-09-21 10:32发表的 Re:回 415楼(蓝静) 的帖子 : acvan, Not recover from my sore throat yet, will confirm tmr, Pls take note of my nickname in msn group and the posting here. [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7642489][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Decided to go karaoke this coming Sat afternoon. Whoever interested pls let me know by Thursday.

回 435楼(蓝静) 的帖子

i wanna go, thank you

Re:回 435楼(蓝静) 的帖子

[quote]引用第435楼geejaa于2011-09-27 00:53发表的 回 435楼(蓝静) 的帖子 : i wanna go, thank you [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7675972][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Welcome to join us, To play safe, change to Sunday afternoon.
let's go ,can't wait ~~~
There is new place just open up,name:O'point . and is quite cheap, only $10 pp. Wanna try? anybody??
[quote]引用第438楼lichaoming于2011-09-27 18:20发表的  : There is new place just open up,name:O'point . and is quite cheap, only $10 pp. Wanna try? anybody?? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7679994][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] sure, where is it? any web site? $10 for how many hours?
[quote]引用第439楼蓝静于2011-09-27 20:45发表的  : sure, where is it? any web site? $10 for how many hours? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7680683][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote]   Karaoke this Sun 1:30-5pm in 奥点
hmm... isn't 奥点 a hotpot restaurant? O'Point Restaurant in Burnaby South, right?
[quote]引用第441楼acvan于2011-09-29 09:54发表的  : hmm... isn't 奥点 a hotpot restaurant? O'Point Restaurant in Burnaby South, right? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=271452&pid=7686780][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Yes, you r right. 6408 [i]Kingsway[/i] Burnaby, next to K-mix.
if you guys are going to eat first and then to sing at K-mix, can I join at K-mix? at 1:30pm? Thanks.
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