
我今7.22要在温结婚,于是邀请我妹来参加(我爸妈不来)。可是她在一签的时候被拒了。 在第一封信里写的是: you have no satisfied me that you would leave canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, in reaching this decision, i considered serveral factors, including: X your travel history X your personal assests and financial status 第二封信里写的是: in reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors, these may include the applicant's travel and identify documents, reason for travel to canada, contacts in canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country of residence (including immigration status, empoyment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likely to leave canada at the end of his/her authorized stay. 我想的是第二封信是不是所有人都一样。主要问题就是出现在了旅行历史和个人资产上了。 这是她当时申请时交的资料:邀请信和婚礼邀请贴,我们1月份去印度玩的照片和在家和爸妈照的照片,她的银行交易记录,学生在读证明(但是7月份就毕业了。还有预订的往返飞机票。 她去公证处问了,如果要我们两的关系证明的话,必须在家里开(家在威海,但她人现在在长春)。大家说还有什么办法可以证明我们的关系,除了关系公证外? 她和北京的一家医院签了合同了,现在手上有一份三方协议,但是公证处拒绝给公证,说是必须得有医院的法人代表证才给公证。 至于银行存款,她刚跟我妈要了3W,准备跟银行开个证明。我也可以给签证官写封信说是我负责所有的费用。 各位高手指点一下,我们应该怎么办?越详细越好。 谢谢!