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本人在SFU念书(刚刚毕业),截止到目前为止,有两个学位,一是法学学士,二是统计学学士。身高182公分,北京人,父母在政府工作( 非官僚)。今年刚刚参加驾照笔试,大概在2012年会买车。 想找到一位文静,诚实,稳重,善良,懂得尊重所有人,宽容别人,有平等自由博爱心,思路敏捷,有上进心,爱好文学、旅游的女生为伴。其来源地最好是:浙江,江苏(长江以南),上海,福建,台湾或四川成都的女生。
ding ! a,..,.
你这对女生地点的特举 比较[s:204]
其来源地[color=#c00000][b]最好[/b][/color]是:浙江,江苏(长江以南),上海,福建,台湾或四川成都的女生。 this is preference, not discrimination.
How come you don't like northern girls?

回 9楼(li000236) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=li000236]li000236[/url][color=gray]:[/color]我帮你顶兄弟,我是成都的[color=gray] (2011-12-25 15:43) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8176714][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 大哥,谢老哈!

回 8楼(chinajohn) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=chinajohn]chinajohn[/url][color=gray]:[/color]How come you don't like northern girls?[color=gray] (2011-12-25 15:00) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8176536][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] Not really, those regions listed above are preferred, the future partner is not necessarily from one of them. However, it was a test somehow, I try to figure out why there are no girls pointing out that the attitude I performed here is definitely contradictive to thte slogan I brought up before that: "equality, liberty, fraternity". How do u think of "freedom or liberty"? What's the opposite word of "freedom" thought? "Slavery" or "limitation"?
哥们儿还分挺细啊 “江苏(长江以南)”[s:206] [s:206]

回 6楼(hahalulin) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=hahalulin]hahalulin[/url][color=gray]:[/color]其来源地最好是:浙江,江苏(长江以南),上海,福建,台湾或四川成都的女生。 this is preference, not discrimination.[color=gray] (2011-12-24 23:28) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8171946][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] or racist[s:196]

回 12楼(hahalulin) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=hahalulin]hahalulin[/url][color=gray]:[/color]Not really, those regions listed above are preferred, the future partner is not necessarily from one of them. However, it was a test somehow, I try to figure out why there are no girls pointing out that the attitude I performed here is definitely contradictiv ..[color=gray] (2011-12-25 23:06) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8179136][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] freedom and liberty in what context though? in a relationship? if it's contradicting.. then why did you bring it up? were you trying to see if someone would pick that out? or are you trying to show that you could sometimes be contradicting?

回 17楼(charbb1020) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=charbb1020]charbb1020[/url][color=gray]:[/color]freedom and liberty in what context though? in a relationship? if it's contradicting.. then why did you bring it up? were you trying to see if someone would pick that out? or are you trying to show that you could sometimes be contradicting? [color=gray] (2012-01-05 08:52) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8250163][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] yes, that's my test. I would like to learn more about the person who can give me the satisfying answer. I would also like to pick the person who knows true love. Sorry, I didn't catch what u were trying to say. However, I don't think there're contradictions in my theory.  
ok, 我想补充另外两个条件:就是我希望那个女生可以:1、在我犯错的时候,指正我,提携我,帮助我改正。 2、如果在不公不义发生的时候,要勇敢的站出来讲公道话,不可以隐忍退让,纵容邪恶的发生。

回 18楼(hahalulin) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=hahalulin]hahalulin[/url][color=gray]:[/color]yes, that's my test. I would like to learn more about the person who can give me the satisfying answer. I would also like to pick the person who knows true love. Sorry, I didn't catch what u were trying to say. However, I don't think there're  ..[color=gray] (2012-01-05 12:20) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8251152][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] i see. you should have just asked the question straightup about liberty and freedom. i think very few people would have noticed your contradicting attitude and slogan. maybe if you asked the question directly, you'll get more satisfying answers :p and it looks like you're trying to find someone who's able to challenge you and inspire you in life, which is a good thing :) i guess i'll be the first one to offer my two cents on freedom and liberty in the context of a relationship... freedom and liberty in a relationship cannot exist without trust. it's about giving each other your personal space, while respecting one another's personal life, beliefs and culture and embracing each other's similarities and differences. however, there should also be sacrifices made when being in a relationship, so it's also about finding a balance in those two things and when to draw the line. freedom and liberty could be tricky, like how much freedom is enough/acceptable? i think it depends on each couple, it's something that two people have to discuss about.you gotta talk about your expectations and voice your concerns and maybe even set up certain "rules" based on each other's comfort level with certain things or people.. about equality.. one could never measure equality in a relationship. cause once you do, you're not gonna be happy in that relationship. obviously you weren't satisfied with something in the first place and that made you start measuring the amount of effort one put in and receive from the other person, because you felt that it was "unfair". that's my perspective.. what about yours?
actually, I'm not expecting the answer which is only evolved with the relationship between male and female. However, it's okay if you mentioned that. I tend to interpret freedom in that context as "the freedom of conscience", which means we don't need to expect to enlarge the space of "freedom" or "liberty", as you mentioned, the border is hard to be defined. The only thing we can expect is to respecting each other, and refraining, to enlarge the territory of the senses of "compassion", "tolerance" and "sympathy", etc.. The reason why I mentioned the opposite word of freedom is to ask people about ral meaning of freedom, including "freedom of speech", "freedom of press", "freedom of association"... Why we need all these things?  The real values we try to protect are not only these "freedoms", we try to protect the opportunity of pursuing "real happiness" of itself. The "happiness" can be individual or at the level of society.  Refrainment is always the solution to the limitation of "freedom". There is no freedom in an absolute sense. Whenever you feel your space is limited, refrain! whenever you think you are not able toachieve what you are dreamed of, and get frustrated, refrain! Refrainment can always keep yourself calm down, and protect the freedoms from any form of violation. refrainment is always the way to the "freedom" we really need. Go back to the point of the "opposite word of freedom", to my point of view, I will definitely choose "*******" as the answer. however, it cannot be sown here. :D Here, you tried to avoid answering the question, "how the freedom is defined at the very basic level". From the words you wrote, I can definitely understand you know how love works and what "freedom" is. :D

回 21楼(hahalulin) 的帖子

[quote][url=/club/u.php?username=hahalulin]hahalulin[/url][color=gray]:[/color]actually, I'm not expecting the answer which is only evolved with the relationship between male and female. However, it's okay if you mentioned that. I tend to interpret freedom in that context as "the freedom of conscience", which means we d ..[color=gray] (2012-01-05 18:33) [/color][url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=357940&pid=8253303][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] interesting point of view. i mentioned freedom in the context of relationship because this post was initially about you trying to find someone lol didn't know you were expecting to branch out to a whole discussion on what freedom means. i've never really thought about what freedom actually means, but i think there is no one definition that speaks to everyone, just like the word "family", each person has their definition of what family means and what it consists of. i agree with what you say, in a society, personal freedom is limited by laws, rules, stereotyping and other things. depending on what type of freedom you're talking about, i don't think refraining is the only way to freedom. freedom in society could be led from revolution. i wasn't trying to avoid the question, i just wasn't sure what you really wanna discuss about. freedom defined at the very basic level, to me is the ability to express your thoughts in whichever form that is not disrespectful and degrading towards the environment and people around you. however, that being said, there will always be limitations to freedom because without limitations, this world would be a chaos. it comes back to my previous point about it's all about finding a balance between certain things. and moderation is key too lol i think this society and every individual is trying to find the right  balance in life, to satisfy their own personal needs for the pursuit of happiness. neways, freedom is such an abstract idea. i don't even know what i'm talking about lol i'mnot that good at putting it into words and make sense out of it. so... correct me if i'm wrong.. you think you're able to find the right person through seeing who could hold a debate with you about freedom and liberty? lol
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