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詢問帖...NIKON  D3S 跟 D3X 

詢問帖...NIKON  D3S 跟 D3X

[size=4]因為最近想入手一台NIKON  但是又不太懂  所以想請問一下  D3S  跟 D3X 這兩台除了價格 各有什麼特點  我看了一下有點不太懂 只知道都是全幅的而已><      另外感覺這兩台機器已經出很久了是不是快要改版了.........    謝謝您寶貴的意見^^[/size]
D3s, 跟 D3x 如果你不是以拍風景 還有 攝影棚為主的話 沒有意義買 D3X 他的像素很大可以印刷大海報..... (只可以保持在底感光 low ISo的情況下拍攝不然噪點 會多到你會 (*&#$*&#*) D3s 是微光攝影的機皇 就是可以把感光度拉很高也維持在很低的噪點 是攝影師每天到處跑愈到甚麼樣情況下差不多都可以拍的一台好像機 至於改不改版.... 我相信快了....可是日本那裏的問題....現在沒有人敢肯定些甚麼   如果你是工作上需要的話可是你想等改版的出來...   還有一個辦法 可以在 craigs list 買台2手 D3 先頂著! :P  大約在2700左右就可以買到~ :P
請問D700跟D3S的分別在哪裡﹖除了價格 [s:199]
[quote]引用第1楼tonler于2011-05-24 23:10发表的  : D3s, 跟 D3x 如果你不是以拍風景 還有 攝影棚為主的話 沒有意義買 D3X 他的像素很大可以印刷大海報..... (只可以保持在底感光 low ISo的情況下拍攝不然噪點 會多到你會 (*&#$*&#*) D3s 是微光攝影的機皇 就是可以把感光度拉很高也維持在很低的噪點 是攝影師每天到處跑愈到甚麼樣情況下差不多都可以拍的一台好像機 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7074803][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 了解~~那我知道該選S就好了^^
D3s's auto focus system is way better in terms of Processin speed and improved accuracy from the D3 and Most of the time it doesnt even need any kind of assist and will focus faster then the D700 with the AF assist light D3s's natural ISO range is better the D700. However, its a different sensor tat each pixel in the camera is significantly biggerf surface area then the previous versions of the 12 mega pixel sensor. ( according to the specs i read about ) D3s's low light video is fantastic even tho its @720 ( canon is still way better in video tech but in super low light condiction D3s still shines )
D3s's  camera buffer is almost double from the previous D3 ..some says  even if you take in the D3 into Nikon for a buffer upgrade (for high speed continus shootin ) D3s still perform better ( so D700 here is out of the question ) D3s's buttoms are all significan bigger for  in winter operations when you require to wear thick gloves.   Seal is better ......and  seriously the list goes on lol     For average Amatures to photography enthusiasm D3s might not be a camera for you since it is so expensive and theres alot of functions you dont even need. However, if you have the money then its a differnt story. However, its heavy tho ! :P
Thanks Tonler, now I understand the difference between D3 & D700; auto focus system, iso, video, buffer, buttons & seals, ......etc. I also know that you have a lot of photography friends using different cameras. May I ask about the experience of using full-frame alpha 850 and 900? In terms of auto focus system & iso using-wise(my most concern ). These full-frame alphas has a very unique price/class category because the full-frame sensor is physically the same as D3X. tbh, I might need a full-frame sensor in the future for large prints purposes.  Thanks Oh, btw, may I ask about which software to use when you insert the Japanese wordings vertically onto the photographs?
[quote]引用楼主109涉谷于2011-05-24 21:01发表的 詢問帖...NIKON  D3S 跟 D3X : [size=4]因為最近想入手一台NIKON  但是又不太懂  所以想請問一下  D3S  跟 D3X 這兩台除了價格 各有什麼特點  我看了一下有點不太懂 只知道都是全幅的而已><      另外感覺這兩台機器已經出很久了是不是快要改版了.........    謝謝您寶貴的意見^^[/size] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=tpc][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 哇~ 你不用佳能拉~ 买过来让我玩玩。 by the way-我是jason
[quote]引用第7楼ycfzz于2011-05-25 14:16发表的  : 哇~ 你不用佳能拉~ 买过来让我玩玩。 by the way-我是jason [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7078133][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 都賣光了...........
昨天去問了幾間店都沒貨....要等兩星期到四星期  直接從亞洲買過來省了快要一千呢....
昨天去幾間店問了~~都沒有現貨 都要我等兩星期到四星期  我乾脆直接從亞洲買過來加上鏡頭省了一千
[quote]引用第10楼109涉谷于2011-05-26 18:14发表的  : 昨天去幾間店問了~~都沒有現貨 都要我等兩星期到四星期  我乾脆直接從亞洲買過來加上鏡頭省了一千  [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7083705][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 1000加幣?台幣?人民幣?日元??
[quote]引用第11楼i3forever于2011-05-27 18:10发表的  : 1000加幣?台幣?人民幣?日元?? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7091833][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 一千加幣~~~~   三顆鏡頭 一個機身 兩張CF卡 保護濾鏡  閃光燈 電池外加一顆  
国内买便宜,但是保修售后什么这里好…… D3S你要有扛桩头的心里准备……
[quote]引用第13楼stidrive于2011-05-29 17:17发表的  : 国内买便宜,但是保修售后什么这里好…… D3S你要有扛桩头的心里准备…… [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7114437][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 扛了兩三天了還習慣.....以前我是搬金磚的......... 我有去問過這邊買的差別壞掉了它可以幫我寄去美國...店裡也沒辦法拆開清潔>< 想請問一下更詳細的資料 這邊買差別在哪  可以跟我說一下嗎^^~  
[quote]引用第13楼stidrive于2011-05-29 17:17发表的  : 国内买便宜,但是保修售后什么这里好…… D3S你要有扛桩头的心里准备…… [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=7114437][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 扛了兩三天了還習慣.....以前我是搬金磚的......... 我有去問過這邊買的差別壞掉了它可以幫我寄去美國...店裡也沒辦法拆開清潔>< 想請問一下更詳細的資料 這邊買差別在哪  可以跟我說一下嗎^^~  
扛了兩三天了還習慣.....以前我是搬金磚的......... 我有去問過這邊買的差別壞掉了它可以幫我寄去美國...店裡也沒辦法拆開清潔>< 想請問一下更詳細的資料 這邊買差別在哪  可以跟我說一下嗎^^~  
[quote]引用楼主109涉谷于2011-05-24 21:01发表的 詢問帖...NIKON  D3S 跟 D3X : [size=4]因為最近想入手一台NIKON  但是又不太懂  所以想請問一下  D3S  跟 D3X 這兩台除了價格 各有什麼特點  我看了一下有點不太懂 只知道都是全幅的而已><      另外感覺這兩台機器已經出很久了是不是快要改版了.........    謝謝您寶貴的意見^^[/size] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=293767&pid=tpc][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] if you have to ask, go for the D3S.  more versatile. unless you really need to extra MP. in reality, it really depends on what and how you shoot. D4 will come earliest end of this year. don't expect anything soon.
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