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哪個牌子的make up base/ foundation primer好用呀? 有在溫哥華出售就可以啦!!! 有價錢更好 最近在苦惱呀....化妝新手一名.... 很少化妝的...又不想買太貴但又不知那一隻好...MM有推薦哪些嗎?
depends what feature youre looking for.. so far i think smashbox 's primers are pretty good... they give a soft/cottoncandy feel hahah and somehow i developed a reaction with dior's primer (the one with a brush).. so if you have sensitive skin you might want to reconsider that.. and stila's moisturizing primer is actually moisturzing ;)  it does work like a lotion+primer these are just my opinions ... maybe someone can correct me oh and by the way.. i have dry and combination skin..and quite senstive

回 1楼(stepbystep) 的帖子

我的皮膚跟你一模一樣.差不多的狀況 所以那一個比較好?! smashbox 's嗎?
[quote]引用第1楼stepbystep于2011-04-26 14:18发表的  : depends what feature youre looking for.. so far i think smashbox 's primers are pretty good... they give a soft/cottoncandy feel hahah and somehow i developed a reaction with dior's primer (the one with a brush).. so if you have sensitive skin you might want to reconsider that.. and stila's moisturizing primer is actually moisturzing ;)  it does work like a lotion+primer these are just my opinions ... maybe someone can correct me ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=289184&pid=6875745][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 還有你是用SMASHBOX的那一隻PRIMER呀?

回 4楼(fatmui) 的帖子

LM是laura mericer? 溫哥華哪裡有賣呀
i use lancome make up primer,anna sui foundation

回 7楼(fatmui) 的帖子

2B原來也可以 我在想是不是有些防曬也可以呢!!!

回 7楼(fatmui) 的帖子

哪你有看過SEPHORA減價嗎? 還是他家的東西完全不伯有SALE的出現嗎

回 楼主(亞君!) 的帖子

我推荐一个在美国很有名的化妆品 品牌MOTIVES. 纯天然,含矿物质粉,价格好,色彩多,无油,无蜡,无滑石粉,无铅等有害的化学成分。好莱坞明星们中很popular. Please log in www.marketamerica.com/myma, sign in and shop. Please contact me via email: helen-hli@live.com. I live in Great Vancouver.
please go to www.marketamerica,com/myma, search Motives. you will find everything there and super good ones!
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