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                    [size=4][b]宫保鸡丁做法及介绍[/b][/size]                                                                      宫保鸡丁,[u]黔菜[/u]传统名菜,由鸡丁、干辣椒、花生米等炒制而成。由于其入口鲜辣,鸡肉的鲜嫩配合花生的香脆,广受大众欢迎。尤其在英美等西方国家,宫保鸡丁“泛滥成灾”,几成中国菜代名词,情形类似于意大利菜中的意大利面条。 因此,老外也来学我们的做法。 视频: [url=http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/Chinese-Kung-Wow-Chicken]http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/Chinese-Kung-Wow-Chicken[/url] [img]http://www.bethecook.com/media/11/Stir-fry-Kung-Pao-Chicken2.jpg[/img] Chinese Kung Wow Chicken This Chicken dish is the spicy, Chinese take-out classic. It is a very delicious, popular and famous dish in China. Ingredients                                [list][li]1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts[/li][li]For the marinade:[/li][li]1 tablespoon white wine[/li][li]1 tablespoon soy sauce[/li][li]1 teaspoon brown sugar[/li][li]white parts from 3-4 green onions, chopped[/li][li]For the sauce mixture:[/li][li]1 tablespoon white vinegar[/li][li]2 tablespoons rice vinegar[/li][li]2 tablespoons white wine[/li][li]1 tablespoon soy sauce[/li][li]2 tablespoon brown sugar[/li][li]1 tablespoon sesame oil[/li][li]1 tablespoon Asian chili paste[/li][li]2 teaspoons ketchup[/li][li]4 cloves minced garlic[/li][li]Other ingredients:[/li][li]2 tablespoons peanut vegetable oil for frying[/li][li]2 cups cubed zucchini[/li][li]1 cup cubed red bell pepper[/li][li]1/2 cup chicken broth[/li][li]1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in 2 tablespoon water[/li][li]1/4 cup green onion tops, chopped[/li][li]handful roasted, salted peanut halves[/li][li]4 cups cooked white rice[/li][/list]                                                        Instructions                                                                    Step 1                                        Take 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts. cut into 1-inch cubes. Put them in a big bowl. Add 1 tablespoon white wine, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, and the chopped white parts from 3-4 green onions. Stir well. Refrigerate for 1 hour.                                                                                                        Step 2                                        Take the zucchini, cut it into triangle pieces. Use the same method to cut red bell pepper. Put them in a bowl.                                                                                                        Step 3                                        Add 1 tablespoon white vinegar, 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons white wine, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon Asian chili paste (sambal), 2 teaspoons ketchup, and 4 cloves minced garlic in a big mixing bowl. Mix well. This is the sauce mixture.                                                                                                        Step 4                                        Take 1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in 2 tablespoon water. Set aside.                                                                                                        Step 5                                        Add some olive oil in a heavy duty no-stick pan over high heat. use the as highest heat as possible. Throw in the chicken and its sauce. Stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add the vegetable cubes. Stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add 1/2 cup chicken broth. Stir and cook until tender. Add the sauce mixture. Stir and cook for 2 minutes.                                                                                                        Step 6                                        Add the cornstarch in the pan. tip: stir cornstarch mix before adding. Cook until tender. Turn off the heat. Add a handful roasted, salted peanut halves. Stir well. Adjust the taste.                                                                                                        Step 7                                        Transfer to a serving plate, top with chopped green onion.                                 
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