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MUST READ:  This made me ROFL 

MUST READ:  This made me ROFL

[size=5][b]Video: Bear steals car for peanut butter sandwich, trashes interior, poops on seat[/b][/size] by [b][url=/bloggers/chris-shunk/][color=#222222]Chris Shunk[/color][/url][/b] ([url=/bloggers/chris-shunk/rss.xml][b][color=#222222]RSS feed[/color][/b][/url]) on Aug 13th 2010 at 7:59PM [align=center][i][b][url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/13/bear-steals-car-for-peanut-butter-sandwich-trashes-inte/#continued][img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/08/bear-corolla.jpg[/img][/url] [size=2]Click above to watch the video [/size][url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/13/bear-steals-car-for-peanut-butter-sandwich-trashes-inte/#continued][color=#006fb1][size=2]after the jump[/size][/color][/url][/b][/i][/align] Having food in your car is usually a bad idea, as leaving your lunch on the seat can make the whole interior stink, or, even worse, attract bears. One Colorado teen recently learned this lesson the hardest way possible, as a peanut butter sandwich left on his back seat attracted a black bear with the unusual skill of grand theft auto. Police estimate that the bear was searching out a midnight snack and opened the door of this kid's unlocked [url=http://autoblog.com/make/corolla/][color=#006fb1]Toyota Corolla[/color][/url] on his own and entered the vehicle. When the door somehow closed on its own, the bear went from Yogi looking for a pic-a-nick basket to something out of the Exorcist. At some point during the bear's utter smackdown of the Corolla's interior, the transmission made its way out of Park, sending the compact sedan and it's assuredly un-licensed driven rolling down the driveway and into the woods. There's no explanation of how the bear eventually exited the Corolla, but we do know he left behind a large steaming present on the driver seat. [url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/13/bear-steals-car-for-peanut-butter-sandwich-trashes-inte/#continued][color=#006fb1]Follow the jump[/color][/url] to check out the carnage. The first clip is of a British news show that provides most of the details, including images of the bear inside the Corolla, and the second clip is a grand tour of the devastation from the Colorado teen himself. You guys should watch the original youtube on this page: [url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/13/bear-steals-car-for-peanut-butter-sandwich-trashes-inte/]http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/13/bear-steals-car-for-peanut-butter-sandwich-trashes-inte/[/url]
LMAO.  Such is the benefit of reading Autoblog 3 times a day. This is one hell of a bear, he even knows to turn on the Hazard Lights, hahaha!!
Now I wonder if this bear could speak, would it sue Toyota for Unintended Acceleration? Hahaha!  What a story.
hhaahhah.....how the bear open the door and open the tranny lock~!!lol
I know eh?  This animal deserves a driver's licence more than some of the dumb ass drivers we have in Vancouver.
熊熊太可愛了 ~O^.^O~
DWL bear...
DeeDee usually finish up the scrap before she leaves the car.....lol there will be nothing left for Mr. Bear..hehe..[s:196]
哈哈~ 杯具呀~!
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