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对着天"[color=#ff0000]空[/color]",我举起我的双手.. 默默的问自己, 为什么... 说了再见... 最后一次我听到你的声音时... 也是最后一次... 最后一次感触... 最后一次在乎... 最后一次下跪... 最后一次害怕... 孤独的我... 挤着眼泪躺在我的床上... 脑海就是不让你... 不让你默默的离去... 不让你静静的消失... 对着天"[color=#ff0000]空[/color]",我举起我的双手.. 默默的问自己, 为什么... 说了再见... 最后一次我听到你的声音时... 也是最后一次... 最后一次感触... 最后一次在乎... 最后一次下跪... 最后一次害怕... =========================== 唉...超无聊的...没事空下来...嘻嘻...算是发泄贴吧....呵呵... 这不代表我现在的心情...纯粹是无聊 ~~~
All I saw was "床上"
..................u ok
lol =.= 2 replies within the first min...你们就这么无聊吗? 当然OK啦...嘻嘻 @.@ 只不过在做作业...然后就...ahhhh 哈哈哈
cuuz I just finished class.....and I am trying to water

回 3楼(darkscythe) 的帖子

dude, 我是關心你....
even I don't believe that....
[quote]引用第5楼mykomyko于2010-07-19 13:10发表的 回 3楼(darkscythe) 的帖子 : dude, 我是關心你.... [/quote] thanks yo.. xD i can tell lol  =.= hahhahaa
zhuan shen li kai, you hua shuo bu chu lai, hai niao he yu xiang ai, zhishi yichang yiwai~~
wo men de ai, cha yi yi zhi chun zai, feng zhong zhen ai, jin lei ji chen shang hai
[quote]引用第8楼kamikazez于2010-07-19 13:23发表的  : zhuan shen li kai, you hua shuo bu chu lai, hai niao he yu xiang ai, zhishi yichang yiwai~~ [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=253916&pid=5881880][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] it took a while to realize it's lyrics......by jay
[quote]引用第10楼狼崽于2010-07-19 13:29发表的  : it took a while to realize it's lyrics......by jay [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=253916&pid=5881897][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] myko picked that up really quick, yo~
Strong in this one, the Jayness is.
[s:211][s:191] that's why he is giving me a treat...for being smarter, lol
[quote]引用第8楼kamikazez于2010-07-19 13:23发表的  : zhuan shen li kai, you hua shuo bu chu lai, hai niao he yu xiang ai, zhishi yichang yiwai~~ [/quote] i thought you nvr rmbr lyrics HAHAHA
thats the only line i remembered...
and Si Le Dou Yao Ai
lol shieeeeeeet =P lalalala~~~~
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