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开始认真找工作了,感觉到困难重重。大家有什么好经验,分享讨论一下吧 craigslist上面的工作大家有没有试过投简历后有回复的? 感觉每天很多工作出来。。。但是真的招人不知道有多少啊? 这里有没有工作中介这回事儿?
Good luck man, landing a job is always tough these days, let alone landing a good job. 大家有什么好经验,分享讨论一下吧 - Polish your resume and cover letter, expand your network, practice your interview skill 感觉每天很多工作出来。。。但是真的招人不知道有多少啊?- Most jobs you found on big site such as Monster/Workopolis are not real, or the candidate has already been decided internally 这里有没有工作中介这回事儿? - Yes, but personally I found it's kinda waste of time if you don't have lots of experience. Since they won't charge you for the service, it won't hurt to give it a try
~~job search is a full time job~~ 不知道你每天花在找工作上面的时间有多少?  网上这些post出来的job, 一部分其实就像楼上说的已经内定了, post出来只是走个形式.  其他的, 你能看到, 别人也能看到, 所以竞争是非常激烈的. 除非你的简历和你的能力特别突出, 否则是很难拿到面试机会的, 更别说拿到job offer.  如果你有恒心, 可以从yellow page上找一些你喜欢的公司, 然后make cold call. cold call 最主要的就是要绕过前台. 所以一定要准备好怎么说. 比如直接打过去,告诉前台,你要找XX部门的manager, 而且最重要的一定要问名字. 有的前台直接就会告诉你,然后帮你转. 但是绝大多数会问你原因, 这就需要你随机应变了, 你可以说你有些问题要咨询.   这时候又分两种情况, 好点的就转了,再难缠点的就会问你什么问题...... 一般前台回答不了技术层面的问题, 所以你就要准备一些你相关专业的问题,当然要和目标公司有一定关联的. 最终目的是为了直接跟XX部门的头通话, 不要上来就说要找工作, cold call的一个很重要目的就是要表现出对这个公司很有兴趣,  希望能有一个info meeting, 如果成功了, 就已经跨出了一大步. 不要奢望打过去就能有工作. 一定要有足够的信心, 因为经常会遇到打击. 而且不要对方一说现在没有空缺你就挂电话. 一定要坚持说, 虽然没有空缺, 但是因为你对这个公司很有兴趣, 尤其是XX部门,所以你希望能和他见面, 多了解一下. 说白了, 脸皮一定要厚....... 加油吧~~ 还有一点,如果前台帮你转过去后, 对方是语音留言. 最好不要留言, 因为这样会很被动, 你不知道对方什么时候会打过来, 很可能会让你措手不及. 勤快一点, 如果没人接, 至少第一次电话你已经得到了对方的名字, 接下来就多打几次.  

回 2楼(一屋子烟) 的帖子

most craigslist job postings are scam, be aware
Dear Friends My name is Jimmy and I am here to offer an opportunity for you to earn a legit income. I know you are looking for job at this time, and I am really sincerely want to help. It's tough to get a job that you like and pays well. I've been thru that as well. Don't worry, I am trying to scam or sell you herbs or vitamins. There is nothing to sell. Please visit [url]www.peoplestring-portal.com[/url] JOIN for free It's not a get rich quick scheme, and I do not like spam either. I can assure you this is for real, it can become bigger than facebook in the future. It's FREE to join, and I will guide you to start earning. Do not expect to get rich in a short time, because if it's the case, it would be true, right?
[quote]引用楼主zyhyxm于2010-05-10 17:27发表的 正在愁找全职工作的进 : 开始认真找工作了,感觉到困难重重。大家有什么好经验,分享讨论一下吧 craigslist上面的工作大家有没有试过投简历后有回复的? 感觉每天很多工作出来。。。但是真的招人不知道有多少啊? ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=245943&pid=tpc][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你学什么的? 这里很多IT或者商科的中介 不用钱的 都是公司给钱他们

回 6楼(sxl1999) 的帖子

我也想知道大家都怎麽找工作啊??craigslist? monster? 中介? 朋友推薦??
I changed my job 4 times in two years when I got here. It was very tough. Domino's Driver, restaurant waiter, door to door salesman etc. You just need to stay positive and continue to look. I would not try those posted jobs because of the competition. To be honest, sometimes because of your race. Do your research and find the companies that you like or you think that your provision will be needed. Send your resume to the human resources. Even though they may not have openings at that time, they will keep your resume on file. When there is an opening, you will be the first ones to be considered. You have shown your initiative and stay ahead ability by sending your resume earlier, that's a BIG plus in your profile. I send many resumes during my job hunting, ended up I was called up by a company that I send my resume one year earlier. They did not have to spend money to advertise, that's a saving for them. They interviewed me once and hired me right away, work in there 4 year and counting. So be initiative, not proactive. I am still working as a Domino's driver once a week just to kill time and earn some cash. Average you can earn about $12 per hour (all included). Hope this helps. Join me at [url]www.peoplestring-portal.com[/url] Earn some free cash while you're looking for your dream job. [url=http://www.peoplestring.com/register/signup.php?r=jimmyng668] [attachment=338208] [/url]
说实在话,大部分比较好的工作其实都是INTERNAL REFERRAL的, MONSTER不适合刚毕业的新手,大部分都需要工作经验的,不然没人理你。 CRAIGSLIST可能会比较适合新人一点,不过要小心骗人的广告,在这里得到INTERVIEW的机会会比较大一点,同时也需要有真的实力,不然竞争是非常激烈的。 GOOD LUCK GUYS。

回 5楼(jimmyng668) 的帖子

I posted this some time ago, and I think it's time for me to post the proof of payment here. I do understand we all hate scams and skeptical about "free" stuff in the internet. The homepage that I mentioned is getting better this month when they launched a social gaming and mobile apps platform, where everyone can earn free cash and giveaways for free by just playing the games and download the mobile apps. Click here to join and earn some money while you are looking for your dream job: [url]http://www.peoplestring.com/register/signup.php?r=jimmyng668[/url] [attachment=346292]

回 8楼(jimmyng668) 的帖子

I posted this some time ago, and I think it's time for me to post the proof of payment here. I do understand we all hate scams and skeptical about "free" stuff in the internet. The homepage that I mentioned is getting better this month when they launched a social gaming and mobile apps platform, where everyone can earn free cash and giveaways for free by just playing the games and download the mobile apps. Click here to join and earn some money while you are looking for your dream job: [url]http://www.peoplestring.com/register/signup.php?r=jimmyng668[/url] [attachment=346293]
[s:201] 谢谢楼主
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