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iPad in Car CRAZY.. 

iPad in Car CRAZY..

那男的真帥 [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSnIXfoSU6I[/url]
...放这个 估计两天就被砸玻璃了
[quote]引用第1楼ar-kin于2010-04-08 00:51发表的  : ...放这个 估计两天就被砸玻璃了[/quote] 嗯 摆在中控台差不多会是那样的结局 得拿块布盖上[s:204]
如果是從電腦 sync 因該很麻煩~ 如果直接從itune 下載 一定很貴~...加上 這過不了多久 因該就...會被偷了~ [s:204]  [s:204] 可樂 在車內 都怕被偷 何況是IPAD.
这种panel跟plasma一样 外面一亮就什么都看不见了
i admire their ability of DIYing,but what concerns me most is what is the use for this thing being nailed to the panel in the car?it doesn't even have gps nor internet connectivity.ipad is made for its flexiblity.now they've just killed that.lol
dude theres a 3G version you can use it as a gps or browse the web
[quote]引用第7楼syang012于2010-04-08 15:49发表的  : dude theres a 3G version you can use it as a gps or browse the web[/quote] do u know the 3g version is not out unitl the end of this month?
that is pretty sick !!! just gotta make sure noone jacks it ... [s:204]
[quote]引用第7楼syang012于2010-04-08 15:49发表的  : dude theres a 3G version you can use it as a gps or browse the web[/quote] ipad上自带的是google maps 你用那玩意儿导航不是开玩笑吗? 要买个软件小一百的 我还不如直接买个GPS了
这个。。挺炫的~ [s:201]
太牛了。。佩服。。  PS: 不是所有地方都这么严重的砸玻璃事件的
然后 IPAD 里的GPS不逊于你自己外面买的一般GPS,高精除外。。GOOGLE地图虽然不怎么样,N多第三方软件比起一般的GPS绰绰有余。。
重點重點.....真的佩服那個帥哥的工藝..... [s:200]    
[quote]引用第4楼i3forever于2010-04-08 09:27发表的  : 这种panel跟plasma一样 外面一亮就什么都看不见了[/quote] 有个问题~~ 你究竟有没有用过apple的东西??例如Iphone, Ipod Touch 之类的?
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