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Toyota in a hoop to pay $16M to NHTSA for failing to report 

Toyota in a hoop to pay $16M to NHTSA for failing to report

[url=http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top/all/6944936.html][img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/04/gyi0059486991-630op.jpg[/img][/url] After [url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/02/03/nhtsa-mulling-toyota-fines-for-delayed-recall/]much deliberation[/url], the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has decided to issue a [color=#ff0000][size=4][b]$16.4 million[/b][/size][/color] penalty to [url=http://www.autoblog.com/make/toyota/]Toyota[/url] – the maximum fine allowed – for failing to [url=http://www.autoblog.com/toyota_recall/guide]recall vehicles[/url] due to faulty accelerator pedals in a timely fashion. This will be the largest fine ever issued to an automaker by the government. The U.S. DOT says that Toyota failed to promptly notify the government about the defective gas pedals amongst its model range. According to NHTSA, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says that there's evidence to prove Toyota knew of the gas pedal problem as early as late September, yet the official recall was not issued until the end of January. For now, Toyota has two weeks to either accept the penalty and pay up, or contest the government's decision and continue deliberations. Hit the jump to read NHTSA's official press release. [hr] 16M isn't really much for a company of an elephant size.  The major loss here is the now-down-to-toilet reputation for the then trust-worthy Japanese automaker. After all this, I sure hope the LF-A doesn't come with any floor mats, [i]at all[/i].   I don't care of if it's weaven from CF, LOL.
小日本赔了多少给中国啊? 挺好奇的 话说 我姐在国内车也被召回了
[quote]引用第2楼chetrs于2010-04-05 19:28发表的 : 哎....说真的,toyota的车还真是丑呢...为啥这多人买..... [s:199][/quote] 便宜,省油, 而且在这之前返修率非常低。
說到這個, 前幾天有個朋友看了輛2手的x5! 結果最後買了toyota的車! 我都為他擔心阿!!!
[quote]引用第4楼bunnyface于2010-04-06 09:07发表的 : 便宜,省油, 而且在这之前返修率非常低。[/quote] TOYOTA便宜吗?不觉的多便宜啊。。。
[quote]引用第2楼chetrs于2010-04-05 19:28发表的  : 哎....说真的,toyota的车还真是丑呢...为啥这多人买..... [s:199][/quote] toyota 的车除了陆地巡洋舰比较蒙, 别的感觉都是买菜车...样子丑还挺贵
[quote]引用第6楼yw1015于2010-04-08 14:16发表的 : TOYOTA便宜吗?不觉的多便宜啊。。。[/quote] 价格比较不错吧, 和相同的日本和美国车比起来。 而且返修率(除了这个大事件之外)还是比较低的。
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