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I am sorry, but this LF-A is just a JOKE. 

I am sorry, but this LF-A is just a JOKE.

[size=5][b]Lease the Lexus LFA for $12,400 per month, $298,000 due at signing[/b][/size] by [url=http://www.autoblog.com/bloggers/jonny-lieberman/]Jonny Lieberman[/url] ([url=http://www.autoblog.com/bloggers/jonny-lieberman/rss.xml]RSS feed[/url]) on Mar 17th 2010 at 7:27PM [url=http://www.autoblog.com/tag/featured/][img]http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.autoblog.com/media/swipe-featured.gif[/img][/url] [url=http://www.autoblog.com/photos/first-drive-2011-lexus-lfa/][img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/03/lexuslfafd01opt.jpg[/img][/url] [align=center][b][i][size=2]Lease-only Lexus LFA – Click above for high-res image gallery[/size][/i][/b][/align] As reported, you cannot buy Lexus' first ever supercar. You have to [url=http://www.autoblog.com/2009/11/23/report-lexus-to-lease-not-sell-all-500-lfa-supercars-in-ord/]lease the mostly-carbon-fiber-and-unobtanium LFA[/url]. That's sort of good news for the non-disgustingly wealthy, right? After all, leases are the cheap and easy way to get into a new car. Are you sitting down? [b][color=#ff0000]The monthly lease payment on the Lexus LFA is $12.398.44. For 24 months. That's $297,562.56 worth of [i]lease[/i] payments over two years, at the end of which you own [i]nothing[/i].[/color][/b] However, Lexus is quick to point out that the LFA's MSRP is $375,000, so you're technically not paying full price. And at the end of 24 months, lessees are free to plunk down an additional $93,750 (more than the base price of a very comparable [url=http://autoblog.com/model/gtr]Nissan GT-R[/url], we should mention) and buy their LFA outright. Of course, you can't just waltz into your local Lexus dealership with $12,398.44 and [strike]rocket[/strike] waltz out in an LFA. Lexus has to actually select you to lease its (admittedly awesome) car. Once you're chosen, you've got 10 days to drop off a $10,000 deposit at your local Lexus dealer and submit to a credit check. We should mention that this will not be the only deposit and credit check Lexus requires. Once your credit checks out, you then have to deposit an additional $50,000. To mini-recap, that's $60,000 down on a $375,000 car. Sounds reasonable (from a detached, algebraic ratio perspective) until you remember that you're not buying the car, just leasing it. All of this will be/is happening from March–June 2010. Production of the LFA doesn't start until December. We don't know how long each car will take to build, but [strike]customers[/strike] lessees will be required to go through a second credit check immediately prior to delivery. We're not entirely sure you really want to pass the second credit check. Here's why. Remember the $12,398.44 per month lease payment we mentioned a couple paragraphs up? That's just the breakdown. All LFAs are being doled out via Lexus' 1Pay Lease Program. Meaning that to lease the LFA, you hand Lexus a check for $237,562.56, which is the full amount of the lease minus your $60,000 pair of deposits. Oh, and there's a $700 "aquisition fee." Plus tax, title, license and registration. The good news? Even though you have to lease the LFA, because of the lengthy approval/deposit process, each car is still made to order. Meaning that even though you don't own the car, you can still order it in Passionate Pink, a $3,000 option. [url=http://www.autoblog.com/2010/03/13/how-the-other-half-500-live-lexus-lfa-pricing-guide/#continued]Make the jump[/url] to read the pricing guide. [b][color=#ff0000]TOYOTA / LEXUS is being a complete JACKASS, making its potential customers to jump through some 20 hoops before they can own.........I mean LEASE the car.[/color][/b][b][color=#ff0000][/color][/b][b][color=#ff0000]LOL, what a fucking joke.[/color][/b] [b][color=#ff0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#ff0000]I don't have 375K USD lying around.  Even if I did, I'd buy myself a R8 V10, drive it to the local Lexus dealship, and laugh out loud at this insanely over-priced Toyta.[/color][/b]
fucking insane.  R8 looks way better than it.
小日本这是找到欧洲奢侈品的门路了。 大家想想,现在LV,gucci, hermas啥的也不可能自打一处来就火。1W美刀买个手提包疯了!还不是大把人买,还要order,还要排队。 想搞奢侈品就得这么高。上来就比人家贵100倍,开始肯定没人买,坚持一个世纪啥的也就成仁了。试想想,闯品牌何止千千万,100个牌子能有一个坚持到最后就成了gucci,lv了。估计Toyota基本就这思路。

f恩Re:I am sorry, but this LF-A is just a JOKE.

[quote]引用第5楼nessus于2010-03-17 20:27发表的  : 小日本这是找到欧洲奢侈品的门路了。 大家想想,现在LV,gucci, hermas啥的也不可能自打一处来就火。1W美刀买个手提包疯了!还不是大把人买,还要order,还要排队。 想搞奢侈品就得这么高。上来就比人家贵100倍,开始肯定没人买,坚持一个世纪啥的也就成仁了。试想想,闯品牌何止千千万,100个牌子能有一个坚持到最后就成了gucci,lv了。估计Toyota基本就这思路。[/quote] 恩 非常赞同 楼上的观点 but..the end of the day...still a toyota....[s:203]
You could also argue that GT-R is still a Nissan, at the end of the day.  But what differentiates the R from this fancy Toyota is that while the R performs like a champ, it doesn't cost you a arm or a leg. Oh, and you don't need to be hand-picked by Nissan to own a GT-R.  As long as you've got 100K lying around, the Godzilla awaits.
[quote]引用第7楼fairladyz于2010-03-17 20:47发表的  : You could also argue that GT-R is still a Nissan, at the end of the day.  But what differentiates the R from this fancy Toyota is that while the R performs like a champ, it doesn't cost you a arm or a leg. Oh, and you don't need to be hand-picked by Nissan to own a GT-R.  As long as you've got 100K lying around, the Godzilla awaits.[/quote] [s:201][s:201][s:201]lol
[quote]引用第5楼nessus于2010-03-17 20:27发表的  : 小日本这是找到欧洲奢侈品的门路了。 大家想想,现在LV,gucci, hermas啥的也不可能自打一处来就火。1W美刀买个手提包疯了!还不是大把人买,还要order,还要排队。 想搞奢侈品就得这么高。上来就比人家贵100倍,开始肯定没人买,坚持一个世纪啥的也就成仁了。试想想,闯品牌何止千千万,100个牌子能有一个坚持到最后就成了gucci,lv了。估计Toyota基本就这思路。[/quote] 奢侈品没有一堆经济型的产品吧,丰田,经济型轿车的龙头啊。 看看丰田章男被美国人整的,开个听证会,被骂得跟孙子似的。 看过《大腕》吗?你开一日本车,都不还意思跟人家打招呼。 之前不是有大众的辉腾吗,那就是很好的例子。
[quote]引用第5楼nessus于2010-03-17 20:27发表的  : 小日本这是找到欧洲奢侈品的门路了。 大家想想,现在LV,gucci, hermas啥的也不可能自打一处来就火。1W美刀买个手提包疯了!还不是大把人买,还要order,还要排队。 想搞奢侈品就得这么高。上来就比人家贵100倍,开始肯定没人买,坚持一个世纪啥的也就成仁了。试想想,闯品牌何止千千万,100个牌子能有一个坚持到最后就成了gucci,lv了。估计Toyota基本就这思路。[/quote] 只是引用大腕里的台词,估计打击面太大了,呵呵,收回这一句。
toyota is just trying to humiliate the wealthy.
Lexus LFA參加Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽 為了向世人證明其身價與性能雙雙不凡,Lexus汽車首輛超跑作品LFA即將加入Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽的行列。Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽所代表的意義不僅僅只是賽車傳統競速的戰場,其馬拉松式的比賽路程,令參賽車輛必須在長時間內保持高性能輸出,此則對車輛品質與耐久輸出的一大考驗,然LFA將以量產未改裝原形,駛入嚴酷的賽道之內。
toyota 多好的车啊。。 大家不要这样。。。
[s:201]老婆 快出来看上帝
我觉得车子做到这个份上其实就完全变味了。。。 真正有钱人也未必去选择一台这样的车,即使有那个钱。
Toyota need some "smart" people to fill up their hole.
[quote]引用第12楼109涉谷于2010-03-18 00:55发表的  : Lexus LFA參加Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽 為了向世人證明其身價與性能雙雙不凡,Lexus汽車首輛超跑作品LFA即將加入Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽的行列。Nürburgring 24小時耐久賽所代表的意義不僅僅只是賽車傳統競速的戰場,其馬拉松式的比賽路程,令參賽車輛必須在長時間內保持高性能輸出,此則對車輛品質與耐久輸出的一大考驗,然LFA將以量產未改裝原形,駛入嚴酷的賽道之內。[/quote] 0-100有多快?911 turbo比它便宜那么多,不是比它更快?人家只需要3.2. Nurburgring 24 小时有多厉害?最后前10名有7台是Porsche的。LFA好像连影子都不见了。
failed! [s:228]
这车不知道北环搞得过老乡R35 么。。。R35 4倍的价格。。。  
Lexus say, they are losing money on each of these monster even at  375000 USD each.
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