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Gran Turismo 5 game delayed indefinitely 

Gran Turismo 5 game delayed indefinitely

source: [url]http://www.autoblog.com/2010/01/14/gran-turismo-5-demo-hits-1m-downloads-in-three-weeks-but-game-d/[/url] sry..i just want to start a thread and give a big middle finger to SONY.. WTF man >< ai......... [img]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/01/gtacaddnld.jpg[/img] quote: ...GT5's release has been delayed indefinitely. Sony didn't indicate on its web site what caused the delay, saying only, "We apologize for any inconvenience." It was not, however, the previously attributed marketing issues. Some reports point to "production issues" with the $60 million game. London's Times newspaper, however, said analysts think this could be a deliberate Sony strategy. They suggest that Final Fantasy XIII did so well that Sony wants to release GT5 in the next financial year, after March, to lengthen the sales boost. We'll lean toward production issues as opposed to a deliberate strategy. Heck, we'd believe werewolves caused the delay before we'd believe this was planned. The game does look phenomenal but it's already three years overdue, meanwhile Forza 3 eats into market share. On top of that, we have never heard of a successful business strategy that involved telling your biggest fans, repeatedly, "We don't have it yet," then switching to, "We don't know when we're gonna have it... um, we'll call you." Will GT5 do well whenever it shows? Of course. But we will wonder how well it could have done. For now there's always the GT Academy demo, and among those million downloaders you'll want to look out for the one who goes by the name Duke Nukem Forever (whose initials are, coincidentally, DNF). There's a press release on the time trial after the jump, and a pretty bunch of high-res screenshots below. Thanks to everyone who sent tips!
good....i dont have ps3 anyway.... [s:204]
Again[s:198]delayed for many many years..
買 need for speed shift 好了, 好玩太多, GT5 在delay, 我也不覺得稀奇了,
shift is pretty good
神秘海域2》的开发商Naughty Dog曾夸口自己这部作品已将PS3的威力释出八成,山内表示《GT5》的水平与此相当,也用到了80%左右,PS3的威力深不可测,手段越高明,效能越出众。 《GT5》花了5年时间来开发,如有后继版本,如果还是PS3平台,应该比现在更容易。每部作品发布后山内都会懊悔不已,因为他是完美主义者。 至于SCE所展示的体感装置,山内认为它更适合用来构建风味完全不同的游戏。 至于《GT6》,各方面都悬而未决。且《GT5》的发售日期还有所延误,但SCE表示延误的是日版发布,海外市场不受影响,因为公司尚未决定海外版的发布日期。
shift玩得我太无奈了。 车内镜头速度过200后就什么都看不到了。 我操还玩个鸟。真车开到200哪会这样。
可能最后卖给XBOX同时出版来cover costs. 就像final fantasy 13一样,现在XBOX也有了
ok..... so shift... or grid...
NFS 可是鼻祖。 我小学买的NFS1 的正版游戏盘还留着呢。  
楼上各位把LFS RBR RF 都放到哪里去了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????
[quote]引用第13楼andy1234于2010-01-15 02:56发表的  : 我现在一直都还在玩gt4.。。。其他赛车游戏真的比不上。。。[/quote] 玩泡泡卡丁车的飘过。。。。。。
[quote]引用第10楼darkscythe于2010-01-14 23:04发表的  : ok..... so shift... or grid...[/quote] or both [s:200]
no money man... hahaha.. i am waittin for those as gifts LOL...
[quote]引用第8楼peace5566于2010-01-14 22:43发表的  : shift玩得我太无奈了。 车内镜头速度过200后就什么都看不到了。 我操还玩个鸟。真车开到200哪会这样。[/quote] 游戏有游戏的好处,有时有些东西做的过于逼真反而是弄巧成拙,失去了游戏本身的优势,比如我就很想FUCK那个模拟撞烂的功能,我就喜欢撞来撞去的捣乱。。。[s:204]
好东西 [s:179]  [s:198]  [s:199]
jacky you works @ zara in metro? [s:201]
[quote]引用第19楼william41cn于2010-02-11 18:16发表的  : jacky you works @ zara in metro? [s:201][/quote] I think so...spotted him once at zara metrotown
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