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請問有人在kwantlen讀過或者正在讀 Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting 嗎? 我剛轉來這間學校的,所以不是很清楚報什麼課程會比較拿到學分. 我現在的情況是year one. 因為一些原因遲了報課程,所以希望各位可以教教我應該報些什麼課程.我在richmond campus.. 十分感激~
你要转SFU么? 我在读,不过我打算转SFU,所以会有一点不一样
Years 1 and 2 Students must complete 20 courses: Introductory Accounting: ACCT 1110 and 1210, or ACCT 2293 and an elective (excluding ACCT 1110 and 1210) Seven additional Accounting courses: ACCT 3310 & 3410 - Intermediate Accounting I & II (or ACCT 3510 - 6cr) ACCT 3320 & 3420 - Management Accounting I & II (or ACCT 3520 - 6cr) ACCT 3335 - Taxation I ACCT 3380 - Finance ACCT 3444 - Auditing I CBSY 2205 plus one other CBSY course ECON 1150 & ECON 1250 CMNS 1140 One course in Mathematics (ACCT 1130 or BUQU 1130 can be taken to fulfill this requirement)1 One course in Statistics (ACCT 1230 or BUQU 1230 can be taken to fulfill this requirement)2 One first year English course (excluding ENGL 1099) Two courses in Business (BUSI) and/or Marketing (MRKT) One elective (must be selected from ECON or CMNS courses numbered 1100 or higher; or from Liberal Education Electives) 1Note: Students may earn credits for only one of ACCT 1120 or BUQU 1130 2 Note: Students may earn credits for only one of ACCT 1230 or BUQU 1230
[quote]引用第3楼浪漫purple于2010-01-07 14:41发表的  : 你要转SFU么? 我在读,不过我打算转SFU,所以会有一点不一样[/quote] 我打算直接畢業..有什麼不一樣呢?
[quote]引用第4楼浪漫purple于2010-01-07 14:44发表的  : Years 1 and 2 Students must complete 20 courses: Introductory Accounting: ACCT 1110 and 1210, or .......[/quote] 這好像是小冊子上面的科目吧?
[quote]引用第7楼浪漫purple于2010-01-09 01:07发表的  : 对阿,你就是要修这些阿,如果你打算转,修的课目又不一样[/quote] 哦..好吧...謝謝
我之前是讀kwantlen 的,不過是diploma in business administration ^.^~~!!有多很都是跟你那個accounting相同的[s:200][s:200]
[quote]引用第9楼babobaba于2010-02-05 11:06发表的  : 我之前是讀kwantlen 的,不過是diploma in business administration ^.^~~!!有多很都是跟你那個accounting相同的[s:200][s:200][/quote] 哦,好读嚒?谁教你的?
[quote]引用第10楼kyle~于2010-02-09 23:59发表的  : 哦,好读嚒?谁教你的?[/quote] 自修的呢, 不過如果是diploma in accounting 的話要另外多讀2-3門a/c course. 我是從外面轉過去再拿diploma的,所以我考慮的是讀一個可以轉讓最多學分的program[s:200][s:200]有興趣可跟我聊聊:babobabala@hotmail.com
[quote]引用第12楼kelehekele于2010-02-18 22:28发表的  : 你转学还转到 kwantlen啊  别人都在愁怎么转出来呢 [s:199]  [s:199]  [s:199][/quote] 是阿,自己學習不怎樣嘛~呵呵
有沒有想到轉其他學校拿學分呢? 我之前都是在其他學校拿了差不多42個學分,最後轉到kwantlen拿多18個學分就拿到diploma! 而且有些學校比kwantlen更容易,可以拉高gpa , 有興趣可以跟我聊聊, [email]babobabala@hotmail.com[/email][s:200][s:200]
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