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Yesterday evening the BCCDC revised the information regarding actions parents should take when a child is exposed to a confirmed positive case in their household or tests positive themselves.  Please see the updated information below.  Change is in RED.

Isolate? Self-Monitor? What to do When a Child is Exposed or Contracts Covid

The BC CDC has now clarified actions parents should take when a child is exposed to a confirmed positive case in their household or tests positive themselves.  Regardless of this information, please remember that A CHILD WITH ANY SYMPTOMS OR ILLNESS MUST NOT ATTEND SCHOOL.

What to do if your child is exposed to a person in the household with a confirmed case of COVID-19:

  • If the child is FULLY VACCINATED with NO SYMPTOMS: monitor/self-monitor for symptoms, child can continue to attend school
  • If the child is PARTIALLY VACCINATED with NO SYMPTOMS: isolate for 10 days, child can NOT attend school
  • If the child is NOT VACCINATED: isolate for 10 days, child can NOT attend school

What to do if your child is confirmed as positive for a case of COVID-19:

  • If the child is FULLY VACCINATED: isolate for 5 days, child can NOT attend school during this time
  • If the child is PARTIALLY VACCINATED: isolate for 10 days, child can NOT attend school during this time
  • If the child is NOT VACCINATED: isolate for 10 days, child can NOT attend school during this time

FULLY VACCINATED: 2 or more doses of vaccine

PARTIALLY VACCINATED: 1 dose of vaccine


     a 打了两针疫苗的减五天隔离 - [116] () (0)  (0)
     a 无症状现在都不让检测,那么无症状感染者到底会不会传染别人? - [101] () (0)  (0)
          b 新冠和以前萨斯1最不同就是这点,结果两年了也没个说法 - [112] () (0)  (0)
               c 不用管什么名字,只要是外面的病邪不是因为饮食思想产生的病都是外感病,有人发热有人发冷,如果像现在这样 - [112] () (0)  (0)
                    d 就当感冒治,第一保证自身免疫力这个是平时就要注意 - [122] () (0)  (0)
                         e 外感病本来在体表,很容易治疗,免疫力低的才抵挡不住进入内脏变为复杂 - [114] () (0)  (0)
                              f 免疫力强不会被感染,但打了疫苗就是一定被感染了。然后每个人的免疫力再跟病毒斗争 - [98] () (0)  (0)
                                   g 免疫力强后遗症就少或者不留后遗症,免疫力差自身正气打不过病毒就留一些 - [110] () (0)  (0)
                                        h 一旦发病要看人而不是看病毒 - [105] () (0)  (0)


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