* 昨天网上申请EI,只需提供雇主名字,没有要ROE - [4244] () (0)  (0)
     a 现在都是网上填的自动到CRA了 - [328] () (0)  (0)
          b Service Canada跟Cra是一起吗? - [305] () (0)  (0)

Consent for transfer to Employment and Social Deve

- [389] () (0)  (0)

Consent for transfer to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and for providing your social insurance number (SIN) to ESDC

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) needs to provide your social insurance number (SIN) to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to transfer you to My Service Canada Account through a secure connection. ESDC will use your SIN to identify you, and accurately display to you, your information held with ESDC.

Selecting "I agree" will confirm your consent to transfer from the CRA's My Account to ESDC's My Service Canada Account and for the disclosure of your SIN by the CRA to ESDC, solely for the purposes of ESDC identifying you and displaying your information to you on My Service Canada Account, and for no other purposes. Your SIN may be stored by ESDC for a period of time in accordance with all applicable laws and privacy policies.

If you select "I do not agree", you will be returned to the CRA's My Account. For more information on accessing My Service Canada Account directly, visit the ESDC website.

          b 应该是"Service Canada" - [286] () (0)  (0)
     a 是的 - [313] () (0)  (0)
     a 电子版roe - [581] () (0)  (0)
     a 关于ROE - [409] () (0)  (0)
          b 当然,不然拿不到EI。 - [311] () (0)  (0)
          b 是的, 你应该联系你的雇主 - [269] () (0)  (0)
     a 网上申请时候,有几个选项,其中一个是雇主发给政府,有个是自己提供 - [311] () (0)  (0)
          b 有的小老板不给发 - [265] () (0)  (0)
               c 为什么? ROE是必须给被裁员工的, 而且必须在5天内发出 - [472] () (0)  (0)
     a 是的 - [290] () (0)  (0)
     a 应该是。现在公司多采用online ROE,雇员无需再填具体细节; - [277] () (0)  (0)
          b very good - [203] () (0)  (0)