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她眼中的美丽:美丽就是不喧嚣的美好 在接受杂志采访时,布洛克曾提到她眼中的美丽:真正的美丽是安静的,不是吵着说“我要变成那个模样”,而是做一个善良的人,她可能是一个称职的母亲,做得了美味的午餐;她也会让那些着急的人插队先走。最美的人总是很好相处,从不会让人生厌。 "Real beauty is quiet. Especially in this town, it's just so hard not to say, 'Oh, I need to look like that,'" she tells the magazine. "No, be a good person, be a good mom, do a good job with the lunch, let someone cut in front of you who looks like they're in a bigger hurry. The people I find most beautiful are the ones who aren't trying."

 她眼中的年华:皱纹都是幸福的痕迹 面对获奖,她却说自己觉得最美的事就是成为养子路易斯的母亲。布洛克还曾与5岁的路易斯聊到 “变老”的话题,她说:“我把他放到床上,告诉他:即使我老了,头发花白、满脸皱纹,我还是会一样爱他。儿子问我为什么会有皱纹,我告诉他可能因为笑得太多了。然后他就摸着我的脸说:你不老,你只是很开心。” While she amped up the glam for the photo shoot, she says it’s her role as mom to 5-year-old son Louis that makes her feel most beautiful every day. The best compliments she hears these days are usually spoken by her little man. "I was putting him to bed and told him that even when I'm old and gray and more wrinkly than I am now, I'll still love him and want to tuck him in," she says. "And he asked why I have wrinkles, and I said, 'Well, I hope some of them are from laughing so much.' And he touched my face and said, 'You're not old, you're just happy.' "  wrinkles.(她的脸上布满皱纹。)

她眼中的人生:活着就要淋漓尽致 桑德拉是喜剧的宠儿,但她的人生却不像喜剧般圆满。2010年初,凭借《弱点》获得奥斯卡最佳女主角后,她的事业走上巅峰,却发现丈夫杰西•詹姆斯出轨。桑德拉果断离婚,单独抚养路易斯,展现出坚强的性格。2013年,桑德拉复出,《辣手警花》大火,并凭借《地心引力》获得了奥斯卡最佳女演员提名,完成了华丽的转身。 In her 40s, Bullock just got even better: she married motorcycle tycoon Jesse James; shattered box office records with 2009’s The Proposal and The Blind Side; and won her first Academy Award for Best Actress for the performance in The Blind Side. But days after her Oscar victory, Bullock’s husband of five years apologized for having an affair, leading to the end of their marriage – and the beginning of Bullock’s new life as mom to adopted son Louis. The actress returned to the big screen in 2013, packing a box office punch with the comedy The Heat and earning an Oscar nomination for Gravity. 


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