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上台即推房屋投机税 NDP立场不变

Sun Jun 18 2017 11:55:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)



  ■尹大卫指房屋投机税是针对没有在本地交税及贡献的人。 资料图片

  正筹组少数政府的省新民主党(NDP),省选时承诺若执政时,将向没有在加国缴付入息税的业主(不论国籍),征收2%的房屋投机税(Property Speculation Tax),近日有报道指该党已改变立场,但NDP房屋评论员尹大卫(David Eby)回复《星岛日报》查询时强调,该党立场并没有改变,若上台执政,会尽快立法推出该税。他指,虽然未能确定该税是否可以冷却炽热的楼市,但收得的税款肯定可以帮助在这里工作及生活的人。

  据《温哥华太阳报》(Vancouver Sun)周五报道,指尹大卫接受该报访问时,对征收2%的房屋投机税立场有软化迹象,更引述他的说话:"征税对施政者来说,并非是唯一的工具,可能有其它方法应对物业市场转手及投机活动。"


  他强调:"如果不是省长简蕙芝(Christy Clark)在玩把戏,我们(省议员)现时已在省议会讨论该税。"


  尹大卫称,NDP提出的房屋投机税,与省自由党推出的15%物业转让税(Property Transfer Tax,简称PTT)最大的不同,是后者主要针对非加国人,但房屋投机税是针对没有在本地交税及贡献的人,不论他们是甚么国籍,他们可能是来自卡加利或加国其它地方。他更表示,在省自由党推出PTT时,他们已表示该税不会有效,只是省自由党未有理会。





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     a 全力支持NDP - 打擊炒房 [478] (2017-06-18 12:37:06)
     a NDP好样的!自由党 - 快滚! [524] (2017-06-18 12:54:26)
     a 征收比率最好再提高些。 - 好样的! [495] (2017-06-18 13:33:55)
     a 前两天还有居心不良的人造谣NDP要取消投机税呢,看样子是真的怕 - 炒房者怕了 [520] (2017-06-18 14:17:46)
     a 炒房回报是多少?20%?anyway 本质是 - what Madoff did. sb is gonna p [585] (2017-06-18 15:31:47)
          b pay the piper - one way or another [463] (2017-06-18 15:32:48)
     a Be careful what you are wish for - Before it is TOO LATE [524] (2017-06-18 15:56:44)
     a 看来那些中文报社记者英语水平实在太差,这才是伊大卫说的原话:“ - NDP利用中文报社骗老百姓的手段实在太恶毒!报应马上就要来了 [646] (2017-06-18 17:50:06)

B.C. NDP softens position on speculative real estate tax

Real estate signs in the 2800-block Kaslo Street on June 13.



A two-per-cent tax on speculative real-estate investment in B.C. that was a key part of the NDP’s election platform may not be a sure thing, says the party’s spokesman for housing.

“Taxes are one tool, but there are other tools available to policy-makers,” David Eby said Thursday. “Taxes aren’t always the right response — there may be others that are more appropriate to deal with flipping or speculative investment in our real estate market.”

Eby’s comments come one day after Gregory Klump, chief economist with the Canadian Real Estate Association, said during a roundtable discussion in Toronto that he wouldn’t be surprised to see policy-makers in Ontario introduce a tax on speculative home purchases in the fast-growing Greater Golden Horseshoe region, which includes Toronto.


The Ontario government introduced policies in April aimed at cooling the real-estate market in that region, including introducing a 15-per-cent, foreign-buyer tax similar to the one B.C. brought in almost one year ago.

Klump said he believes that a speculation tax would be misguided because such measures typically do little more than temporarily change market sentiment — pushing buyers to the sidelines for a bit while they wait to assess the impact. Loopholes could also allow some speculators to get around paying the tax, Klump said.




Eby encouraged people in Ontario to take recommendations from the real estate industry with a grain of salt because “time and again the information is inaccurate or misleading.”

“It’s been incredibly disappointing to see the real estate associations’ behaviour in British Columbia,” Eby said. “They have difficulty seeing beyond their own interests.”

However, he conceded that a new tax may not be the right way to tamp down the speculation the NDP believes is helping heat up the market.

“We don’t want to be forced into pursuing a tax. If experts say a tax isn’t going to address the issue, then we’ll look at other options — it doesn’t have to be a tax,” Eby said.

“But the outcome has to be that this kind of speculative action in the market has to end.”

          b 真可怜! 绿党现在又开始叛变他最好的狗友NDP 了! - 今天是不是愚人节? [450] (2017-06-18 18:26:35)
               c 贪婪是一种顽疾,人们极易成为它的 - 奴隶 [409] (2017-06-19 09:42:07)
     a Too late. ㄧ看就知道是政府在存心炒地皮! - Too late. [463] (2017-06-18 18:24:03)
          b 你是这里有良心的哥哥姐姐中的一位 - 好人一生健康幸福! [431] (2017-06-18 18:32:52)
     a 支持!!! - 简蕙之玩巴戏可耻 [548] (2017-06-18 23:01:21)
     a 支持NDP的好政策 - 选NDP 上台,选对了。 [526] (2017-06-18 23:08:47)
     a NDP好不了哪里去.会弄的小把戏.NDP小人 - cgjyfdsssgf [391] (2017-06-19 11:11:06)