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Species Lists

Species Responsible for Management

Federal law does not protect species which were introduced to North America by man, i.e. not native to this continent. There include Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), English Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Mynahs (Acridotheres cristatellus). Birds not falling under federal jurisdiction within Canada include grouse, quail, pheasants, ptarmigan, hawks, owls, eagles, falcons, cormorants, pelicans, crows and jays. All other birds are considered Federal and therefore protected.

All other animals are protected through federal responsibility, such as whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, pinnipeds, polar bears, and walruses. Most other animals are provincially managed.

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Schedule B

Schedule "B" lists animals that may be captured or killed only for the specific purpose of protecting property unless an open season is designated by regulation (see Regional Schedules for open seasons):

(a) Scapanus orarius - coast mole
(b) Lepus americanus - snowshoe hare
(c) all of the species of the sub family Arvicolinae and lemmings, exceptOndonatra zibethicus - muskrat.
(d) Neotoma cinerea - bushy-tailed woodrat
(e) all species of the genus Peromyscus - deer mice
(f) Erethizon dorsatum - porcupine
(g) Thomomys talpoides - northern pocket gopher
(h) Marmota flaviventris - yellow-bellied marmot
(i) Marmota monax - woodchuck
(j) Spermophilus columbianus - Columbian ground squirrel
(k) Mephitis mephitis - striped skunk
(l) Procyon lotor - raccoon
(m) Spilogale putorius - spotted skunk

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Schedule C

Schedule "C" animals can be captured or killed anywhere and at any time in BC. Schedule "C" birds may be hunted using electronic calls. You do not need a hunting licence to hunt or kill the following Schedule "C" wildlife: 
(a) Rana catesbeiana - American bullfrog
(b) Rana clamitans - green frog
(c) all species of the family Chelydridae - snapping turtles
(d) Didelphis virginiana - North American opossum
(e) Sylvilagus floridanus - eastern cottontail
(f) Oryctolagus cuniculus - European rabbit
(g) Myocastor coypus - nutria
(h) all species of the genus Sciurus - gray squirrels and fox squirrels
(i) Passer domesticus - house sparrow
(j) Sturnus vulgaris - European starling
(k) Columbia livia - rock dove (domestic pigeon)

You do need a hunting licence to hunt the following Schedule "C" wildlife UNLESS you are hunting them on your property or they are damaging your property:
(a) all species of the genus Corvus - crows, except Corvus corax - common raven
(b) Pica pica - black-billed magpie
(c) Molothrus ater - brown-headed cowbird and the eggs of this bird species may be destroyed
