朱家灝大律师-刑事法- 殴打,家暴,偷窃,抢劫,醉酒驾驶, 贩毒,其交通事件

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2023-10-26, 13:38
联系人 联系人: Edward Chu
邮箱 邮箱   : chu@echulaw.com
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电话 电话   : 7788829251



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150801180134_Logo.jpgEDWARD CHU, Barrister
Juris Doctor 2011 (University of Victoria)
Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) 2007, Criminology (Simon Fraser University) 

朱家灝 刑事辩护律师 Edward Chu, J.D. (University of Victoria), Barrister, Esq.





 英文, 国语, 中文

#1020-6388 No. 3 Rd., Richmond, BC  V6Y 2B3150801180111_ECDG.jpg



Assault, theft, drug chagres, drinking and driving, sexual assault, robbery, obstruction, homicide.


90-Day 驾照停牌上诉 IRP (Immediate Roadside Prohibition)

Driving While Prohibited

Richmond, Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, Surrey, North Vancouver, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Kamloops, Kelowna, Williams Lake

朱家灝大律师 EDWARD CHU, Barrister

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Edward Chu, Criminal Lawyer Richmond B.C. Serving clients in the Greater Vancouver Area.

From defending Spousal/Domestic Assault cases to securing  Murder Acquittal,  Edward Chu has been successfully defending the rights of individuals accused of a wide variety of criminal charges in the courts of British Columbia.

It is an understatement to say that it is a difficult time for the person accused of having committed a crime . Having effective representation starting from the beginning will better ensure that your case will proceed in an efficient manner. Call us today for a Free Consultation.

Mission: To provide effective defence to achieve best possible outcome for individuals charged with criminal offence(s)or charged under the Motor Vehicles Act. Mr. Chu understands that it can be a very difficult time when one accused of committed a crime. Edward minimizes that stress and deal with the case for you by defending your case vigorously. Mr. Chu is also fluent in Chinese.

Description: Criminal Law / Criminal Defence Assault, Theft, Marijuana Grow Operation, Murder, Manslaughter and All Drug Charges (poseession, trafficking), Impaired Driving, Driving Offences, Sexual Offences, and other criminal charges (Richmond,Vancouver, Surrey, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Burnaby, North Vancouver, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and other areas in BC) 

Edward Chu Law Office



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Edward Chu


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