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同一天的晚上约8点左右,我在99号高速上行驶的时候也看到了类似这样消失的绿色光点,我不确定是不是传说中的UFO,但是那绝对不是人造物体可以做到的。 我东往西方向行驶,在我的左前方,突然一个绿色光点从天上有如流星一样下坠,就好象掉下来了一样。持续了大概4-5秒,然后在下坠到快到地平线的附近突然向西面(当时是我的左前方向)飞行并且消失(从改变防线到消失可能1秒都不到。。。 消失最后那一刹那绿色光闪了一下红色。我相信如果那时真的在天空中出现的物体,应该会有很多人看到。

Multiple, Neon Green Lights Seen over Munich, Germany

Published: 9:51 AM 6/29/2010 Munich, Germany Sitting in my hammock on the balcony in Munich at 06.28.2010, 22:45 hours, I suddenly saw a bright neon-green, regular, fast flickering light (like stroposcope), which crossed the sky from east to west with high velocity (much faster than a jet or satellite), with absolutely no noise. Five minutes later, it, or a similar one, appeared again, same procedure from East to west, same speed, same flightpath, same colour, as well flickering like a stroposcope. Twenty minutes later, my eyes were caught by two lights which came again on the same path, high speed, consequent lighting. It seemed the following light was chasing the light in front, because it made slide moves to the left and right, during the leading light flowing straight. After the first green light, I went to get my camera. But in the dark and because I was to excited when the second green light came up, I did not manage to find the button to disable the automatic zoom. I could not take pictures at all, because the camera tried to zoom in all the time into a dark sky. Searching the button in the dark, I turned down the exposure time. So when the two white lights appeared I could indeed take some photographs, but they went out all to dark. oannes permanent link: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2010/munich062810.html source & references: Submitted to the UFO Casebook

Neon Green Light Over New York City

Date: March 19, 2010 Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m. Location of Sighting: New York City. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of Objects: 1 Shape of Objects: Kind of square? Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was on my way to have dinner with my boyfriend and my friend. I was looking at sky and all of a sudden, I saw this neon green light falling really fast. At first,Ii thought it must've been some sort of fireworks, but I knew it wasn't. My boyfriend saw it the same time I did. The object look kind of square-ish to me I think. This is the first time I have ever seen anything like that flying that quick. It was the width of my index finger if I held it up high and I knew it was pretty big in real life.
[quote]引用第4楼tenile于2011-03-01 18:04发表的 : 还真没见过,不会是制什么新的飞行器吧   [/quote]
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