
专栏 : 中国纺织供应链调查--一个加拿大商人的报告

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我的好朋友柯瑞杰(英文本名:Jeffrey Clark),家住温哥华English Bay的海湾边,但是他常年居住在中国上海,他是纺织业企业家,在中国生活了七个年头,跑遍了中国的大江南北,调查纺织工业生产链的源头--农村棉花生产和加工过程。他写了上百篇的博文,参加过北美,欧洲和亚洲的纺织品展览。





Managing your PLM, S&OP, Supply Chain, and Sourcing – Part One
by JeffreyLiving | Mar 19, 2018 | Apparel Quality Control, Business in China, Product Development & Sourcing, Production & Supply Chain 


  --作者:柯瑞杰   By Jeffrey Clark        2018年3月19日

              ( 服装质量控制,中国商业,产品开发与采购,生产与供应链)




In business as in sports, it’s best to have top-level professionals for staff, consultants, and vendors who fully understand all stages, processes, and manufacturing options (specialities by country, by province/state, city, county), culture and languages? Manufacturing in a 3rd world country has many challenges and opportunities.
China is the largest manufacturing country in the world for apparel, footwear, accessories and has 65 dialects, many different cultures by region, manufacturing complexities, and the challenge of understanding the product and people (strengths and weaknesses) for that province (state). It’s a published fact, that only 10% of Mainland China can speak the main Mandarin language (Putonghua) fluently.



商场如运动场,最好是拥有一支顶级的专业人员队伍,员工,顾问,供货商都要充分了解所有的阶段,加工过程,制造选择(国家,省或州,城市,县的特长),文化和语言。 在第三世界国家生产加工会有很多挑战和机遇。中国是世界上最大的服装,鞋子和饰品生产国。中国有65种方言,各地的文化习俗都不尽相同,生产加工方式十分复杂多样,在理解所在省份的产品和百姓(强项和弱项)上都具有一定的挑战性。 仅仅只有10%的中国大陆人会讲流利的普通话,这已经是公开的事实。




The importance of communication with clarity for fully understanding what is being said, many will say I understand to avoid embarrassment, appearing inexperienced, and unqualified or possible they don’t know how to ask the right questions, or they are scared about the complexity by asking for additional clarity.
Well learning the Putonghua language, I discovered the challenges with the four tones, the importance of the tone and the challenge with expressing technical terms, as one tone can change the meaning drastically. Even when local Chinese try to explain the technical revision, change or issue it is a challenge as there are many variables in explaining and communicating, as Putonghua maybe their 2nd or 3rd spoken dialect. There were many instances were multiple local Chinese repeats the same words or sentences with different tones and different sentence construction to help with clarification.







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