
就连自由党也大力支持NDP新税 包括豪宅税和学校税 看最新民调

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Most BC Liberal voters are on board with housing measures introduced by the BC NDP government — including the additional school tax, which has been a focal point of the Liberal Party’s time in opposition.

That’s what it said in a poll released by Research Co. on Tuesday. It showed that most respondents in British Columbia were in favour of housing measures including an increase in the foreign buyers’ tax, the yet-to-be-implemented speculation tax as well as the new school tax.

     a 得道多助,失道寡助。 - [285] () (0)  (0)
     a 今后无论谁执政,对待炒房问题都不可能手软了, - [222] () (0)  (0)
     a 温西出来反对的多是老外吧 - [272] () (0)  (0)
          b 朋友500万的房子,交0.4%学校税 - [352] () (0)  (0)
               c 所以说:豪宅就算送给你 - [235] () (0)  (0)
          b 这就是炒房者对社会造成的重大危害。 - [288] () (0)  (0)
     a 自由经济按劳分配的原则动摇了 - [325] () (0)  (0)
          b 杀富济贫的做法历史证明是失败的 - [226] () (0)  (0)
               c 冰岛阿根廷殷鉴不远,革命使得大家一样穷 - [221] () (0)  (0)
               c 在杀富济贫中,为富不仁的人都灭亡了。 - [244] () (0)  (0)
          b 按"捞"分配不合理。 - [257] () (0)  (0)