温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 roger_chan Frank Chen 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2017-05-24, 14:18
联系人 联系人: 索菲亚
邮箱 邮箱   : zhang.sophia8@gmail.com
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电话 电话   : 7788635828


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加拿大议会在2002年5月21日宣布每年的5月为亚洲传统文化月, 以纪念及庆祝亚裔加拿大人悠久丰富的历史。加拿大政府也藉此来承认亚裔加拿大人在提高生活质量, 为把加拿大建设成世界上最好的多元文化国家所作的贡献。

为介绍亚裔加拿大人的文化、艺术和历史,传播亚裔文化,新西敏市政府,世界诗歌协会, 文思移民与多元文化服务协会,Art Council, Explore Asia, 及新西敏图书馆将于2017年5月24日下午6:30时至8:30,在新西敏图书馆举办庆祝亚洲传统文化月诗歌朗诵活动。



时间:5月24日 下午6:30-8:30


716 6th Avenue, New Westminster



On May 21st 2002, the Parliament of Canada declared May as Asian Heritage Month in recognition and acknowledgement of the long and rich history of Asian-Canadians. The Canadian Government also recognizes the contributions of Canadians of Asian descent who have helped to improve the quality of life and build Canada, the best and most multicultural country in the world.

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, City of New Westminster, Art Council, Explore Asia, World Poetry, WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and New Westminster Public Library will organize Celebrate Asian Heritage Month Poetry reading event. 


Time: May 24th, 2017 @6:30-8:30pm

Place: New Westminster Pulbic Libray 

716 6th Avenue, New Westminster

(free admission, poems recitation, cultural performances and finger food reception)


Celebrate an afternoon  Asian Style! With Asian Cultural performances for all tastes, our aim is to share the beauty of Asian Culture, Heritage and Friendship during “Asian Heritage Month”. Everyone is invited. Please come and experience the diversity of our Asian Cultures!






Vansky Copyright

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